iiiDisposal instructionsDo not throw this electronic device into the trash when discarding.To minimize pollution and ensure utmost protection of the global environment,please recycle.For more information on the Waste from Electrical and ElectronicsEquipment (WEEE) regulations, visithttp://global.acer.com/about/sustainability.htm.Mercury advisoryFor projectors or electronic products containing an LCD/CRT monitor or display:Lamp(s) inside this product contain mercury and must be recycled or disposed ofaccording to local, state or federal laws. For more information, contact theElectronic Industries Alliance at www.eiae.org. For lamp-specific disposalinformation, check www.lamprecycle.org.ENERGY STAR (for selected models)Gateway's ENERGY STAR qualified products save your money by reducing energycost and protecting the environment without sacrificing features or performance.Gateway is proud to offer our customers products with the ENERGY STAR mark.What is ENERGY STAR?Products that are ENERGY STAR qualified use less energy and prevent greenhousegas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. Gateway is committed to offer products andservices worldwide that help customers save money, conserve energy and improvethe quality of our environment. The more energy we can save through higherenergy efficiency, the more we reduce greenhouse gases and the risks of climatechange. More information refers to http://www.energystar.gov orhttp://www.energystar.gov/powermangement.