Magnum 1000 Workgroup Hubs Installation and User Guide (04/02)24www GarrettCom com. .NOTE: Port 1 of the Magnum 1000 Workgroup Hub (and the Magnum RPM-TP andBPM-TP) are equipped with a cross-over slide switch to accommodaterepeater-to-repeater connections without special cross-over connectors.Set the slide switch to the ìleftî (for port 1) or ìdownî (for PM-TP) positionfor normal twisted pair cable segments from the hub port to a user device. Setthe slide switch to the ìrightî (port 1) or ìupî (for PM-TP) position forcascaded or up-link segment connections to another repeater or hub in thenetwork. Verify proper switch position by noting that the portís LINK LEDwill illuminate when proper link is established.3.3.2 Connecting ThickNet 10BASE5 (AUI)Using the steps below as a guide, attach a new or existing 10BASE5 ThickNetdrop-cable directly to the AUI connector on the rear of the Magnum 1000 WorkgroupHub or on the RPM-AUI or BPM-AUI port.1. Plug the male end of the cable into the female AUI connector on the Magnum1000 or PM-AUI card.2. Engage the AUI connector slide lock to insure maximum connectivity.3. Connect the opposite end of the cable into a network AUI port. (Thiscould be a network backbone transceiver, a hub or fan-out with an AUIport, or an AUI Port Module in a concentrator.)The AUI port may also used for connecting to other Ethernet devices usingstandard AUI cabling. In this type of situation, it is important to consider the AUIsegment length to the attached device, including any cascading.The maximum transmission distance between a backbone transceiverequipped with an AUI connector and the AUI port of the Magnum 1000 will vary.According to Ethernet standards, when an AUI cable is used to connect the Magnum1000 directly to a backbone transceiver, the maximum AUI segment length of 50m (165ft.) is allowed. If the Magnum 1000 is connected to a transceiver that has been cascadedfrom another transceiver, the maximum AUI segment length is reduced as stated below.Important Note: The maximum transmission distance is decreased by 6m(20 ft.) for every additional level of network transceiver device "dropped" or "cascaded"from the original backbone transceiver tap.The RPM-AUI connector supports standard IEEE signals, which aresummarized in Table 3.3.2.