State and country borders: The device plays a tone anddisplays a message when you approach the border of a stateor country.Shut off propane: The device plays a tone and displays amessage when you approach an area where propane shouldbe turned off.Enabling or Disabling Audible Driver AlertsYou can enable or disable the audible tone for some types ofdriver alerts. The visual alert appears even when the tone isdisabled.1 Select > Navigation > Driver Assistance > AudibleDriver Alerts.2 Select or clear the check box next to each alert.Red Light and Speed CamerasNOTICEGarmin is not responsible for the accuracy of or theconsequences of using a red light or speed camera database.NOTE: This feature is not available for all regions or productmodels.Information about red light and speed camera locations isavailable in some areas for some product models. The devicealerts you when you approach a reported speed or red lightcamera.• Live red light and safety camera data is available as asubscription from Garmin Live Services using theSmartphone Link app (Garmin Live Services, page 11).• To maintain an updated database of red light and speedcamera locations, your device must have an activesubscription to download and store safety camera data. Go to check availability andcompatibility, or to purchase a subscription or one-timeupdate. You can purchase a new region or extend an existingsubscription at any time.NOTE: In some regions, some product bundles include pre-loaded red light and speed camera data with subscription-free updates.• You can use the Garmin Express™ software ( to update the camera database stored on yourdevice. You should update your device frequently to receivethe most up-to-date camera information.Navigating to Your DestinationRoutesA route is a path from your current location to one or moredestinations.• The device calculates a recommended route to yourdestination based on the preferences you set, including theroute calculation mode (Changing the Route CalculationMode, page 5) and avoidances (Avoiding Delays, Tolls,and Areas, page 5).• The device can automatically avoid roads that are notappropriate for the active vehicle profile.• You can start navigating to your destination quickly using therecommended route, or you can select an alternate route(Starting a Route, page 3).• If there are specific roads you need to use or avoid, you cancustomize the route (Shaping Your Route, page 4).• You can add multiple destinations to a route (Adding aLocation to Your Route, page 4).Starting a Route1 Select Where To?, and search for a location (Finding andSaving Locations, page 6).2 Select a location.3 Select an option:• To start navigating using the recommended route, selectGo!.• To choose an alternate route, select , and select a route.Alternate routes appear to the right of the map.• To edit the course of the route, select > Edit Route, andadd shaping points to the route (Shaping Your Route,page 4).The device calculates a route to the location and guides youusing voice prompts and information on the map (Your Route onthe Map, page 3). A preview of the major roads in your routeappears at the edge of the map for several seconds.If you need to stop at additional destinations, you can add thelocations to your route (Adding a Location to Your Route,page 4).Starting a Route by Using the MapYou can start route by selecting a location from the map.1 Select View Map.2 Drag and zoom the map to display the area to search.3 If necessary, select to filter the displayed points of interestby category.Location markers ( or a blue dot) appear on the map.4 Select an option:• Select a location marker.• Select a point, such as a street, intersection, or addresslocation.5 Select Go!.Going HomeThe first time you start a route home, the device prompts you toenter your home location.1 Select Where To? > Go Home.2 If necessary, enter your home location.Editing Your Home Location1 Select Where To? > > Set Home Location.2 Enter your home location.Your Route on the MapAs you travel, the device guides you to your destination usingvoice prompts and information on the map. Instructions for yournext turn or exit, or other actions appear across the top of themap.Navigating to Your Destination 3