You can control the playback using the stereo controls on allBluetooth devices, and on some devices you can browse themusic collection from the menu on the stereo. On Bluetoothdevices that do not support media browsing, you should selectthe song or playlist on the media device.The availability of song information such as song title, artistname, track duration, and album art depends on the capability ofthe media player and music application.Connecting a Compatible Bluetooth DeviceYou can play media from a compatible Bluetooth device usingthe Bluetooth wireless connection.You can control the music playback with the media app on aBluetooth device or using the FUSION-Link remote control app(FUSION-Link Wireless Remote Control App, page 20).1 Select the BT source.2 Select > DISCOVERABLE to make the stereo visible toyour compatible Bluetooth device.3 Enable Bluetooth on your compatible Bluetooth device.4 Bring the compatible Bluetooth device within 10 m (33 ft.) ofthe stereo.5 On your compatible Bluetooth device, search for Bluetoothdevices.6 On your compatible Bluetooth device, select the stereo fromthe list of detected devices.7 On your compatible Bluetooth device, follow the on-screeninstructions to pair and connect to the discovered stereo.When pairing, your compatible Bluetooth device may ask youto confirm a code on the stereo. The stereo does not displaya code, but it does connect correctly when you confirm themessage on the Bluetooth device.8 If your compatible Bluetooth device does not immediatelyconnect to the stereo, repeat steps 1 through 7.The DISCOVERABLE setting is disabled automatically after twominutes.NOTE: On some Bluetooth devices, adjusting the volume on thedevice affects the volume level on the stereo.Bluetooth Range InformationThe stereo and Bluetooth wireless devices have a range of 10 m(33 ft.). For optimal performance, the Bluetooth wireless deviceshould also have a clear line of sight to the stereo.Selecting a Different Bluetooth SourceWhen you have more than one Bluetooth device paired to thestereo, you can select a different source when needed. You canpair the stereo with up to eight Bluetooth devices.1 With the BLUETOOTH source selected, select .2 Select a Bluetooth device.Bluetooth Source SettingsWith the BLUETOOTH source selected, select .DISCOVERABLE: Allows the stereo to be visible to Bluetoothdevices. This setting turns off automatically after two minutesto prevent possible interruption to audio after pairing aBluetooth device to the stereo.REMOVE DEVICE: Removes the Bluetooth device from thestereo. To listen to audio from this Bluetooth device again,you must pair the device again.USB Device PlaybackYou can connect various USB media players, USB flash drives,and smartphones to the stereo. How you access the USBsource depends on the type of connected media player orsmartphone.Media Player Source SelectionsAndroid device MTPUSB flash drive USBMP3 media player (as a mass-storage device)USBNOTE: If your MP3 media playerdoes not support mass-storagewhen connected using USB, youmust connect it to the stereo as anauxiliary device (Connecting anAuxiliary Device, page 13).NOTE: The availability of song information such as song title,artist name, and track duration depends on the capability of themedia player and music application.Controlling Music Playback on a Connected AndroidDevice, USB Flash Drive, or Media Player1 Connect a compatible Android device, USB flash drive, ormedia player to the stereo.2 Select the appropriate source on the stereo.3 Select .4 If necessary, select the name of the device or USB drive toview the file structure.5 Select a song to begin music playback.You can use the stereo controls to select, play, pause, and skiptracks.Controlling Music Playback on a Connected AppleDevice1 Connect a compatible Apple smartphone or media player tothe stereo using USB or Bluetooth (if available).2 Select the appropriate source on the stereo.3 Launch a music application on the connected device, andbegin playback.You can use the music application or the stereo controls toselect, play, pause, and skip tracks.RadioTo listen to AM or FM radio, you must have a suitable AM/FMantenna properly connected to the stereo and be within range ofa broadcasting station. For instructions on connecting an AM/FMantenna, see the stereo installation instructions.To listen to SiriusXM®radio, you must have the appropriateequipment and subscriptions (SiriusXM Satellite Radio,page 16). For instructions on connecting a SiriusXM ConnectVehicle Tuner, see the stereo installation instructions.Setting the Tuner RegionYou must select the region you are in to receive AM and FMstations properly.If you are connected to a compatible SiriusXM tuner andantenna, and have a subscription (USA only), you must selectthe region you are in to receive SiriusXM stations properly.NOTE: SiriusXM is not available in all regions.1 Select Fusion Media > > TUNER REGION.2 Select the region you are in.Changing the Radio Station1 Select an applicable source, such as FM.2 Select repeatedly to move through the tuning modes,and select an option:• Select Auto to scan and stop on the next available station.• Select Manual to select a station manually.• Select Preset to select a saved station preset.3 Select or to tune to the station.Media Playback 15