Waypoint List Page (continued)An options page will appear, asking if you want todelete all user-defined waypoints or if you want todelete waypoints by symbol type.1. Highlight either ‘ALL’ or ‘SYMBOL’, and press E.If you highlight ‘SYMBOL,’ you’ll be asked toselect a symbol.1. Select the symbol to be deleted, and press E.2. Press E to confirm the ‘DONE’ prompt, highlightthe ‘YES?’ prompt, and press E.Note: This feature is handy for deleting temporarywaypoints created by the TracBack function.Proximity WaypointsThe GPS 48’s proximity waypoint function warnsyou when you are getting too close to hazardous way-points. This function allows you to create up to nineproximity waypoints and designate an alarm circle foreach waypoint. If you enter this circle, a warning mes-sage will alert you.To enter a proximity waypoint from the MenuPage:1. Highlight ‘PROXIMITY WPTS’ and press E.2. Highlight the first empty waypoint field and pressE.3. Use the U or D key to scroll through stored way-points until the desired waypoint appears.4. Press E. The distance (DST) field will be automati-cally highlighted. Enter the desired distance.5. Press the E key.To review or remove a proximity waypoint:1. Use U and D to select a proximity waypoint andpress E.2. Highlight ‘REVIEW?’ or ‘REMOVE?’ and press E.If ‘REVIEW?’ is chosen, the waypoint page willappear, and you may make any changes to the selectedwaypoint. If ‘REMOVE?’ is chosen, the proximity way-point page will reappear with the waypoint removed.Press Q or P to return to the Menu Page.ProximityWaypointsREFERENCE34Deleting waypoints bysymbol enables you todelete a specific group ofwaypoints without losingall other waypoints.Quickly edit proximitywaypoints by highlightingthe waypoint name andpressing ENTER.