Marking a PositionThe GPS 48 allows you to mark and store up to 500position as waypoints. A waypoint can be entered bytaking an instant electronic fix, by manually enteringcoordinates (pg. 35), or by using the bearing and dis-tance to a known position (pg. 35).To mark your present position:1. Press M. The mark position page will appear,showing the captured position and a default three-digit name.2. To save a default name and symbol, press E toconfirm the ‘SAVE?’ prompt.Position Averaging FunctionThe GPS 48 positioning averaging function will helpreduce the effects of selective availability upon positionerror when marking a waypoint.1. After you have pressed the M key, highlight the‘AVERAGE?’ field and press E. The Figure of Merit(FOM) field will display the value reflecting estimatedaccuracy of the averaged position. Note: As the GPS48 calculates the FOM, it will rapidly change before itstabilizes on one number.2. The unit will continue averaging until you have high-lighted ‘SAVE?’ and pressed E.To enter a different waypoint name:1. Highlight the waypoint name field, and press E.2. Make the appropriate changes, and press E.3. Highlight ‘SAVE?’, and press E.Note: To enter a different waypoint symbol or com-ment, see pg. 23.To add this waypoint to a route:1. Highlight the ‘Add to route number’ field, and pressE.2. Enter a route number, press E to confirm the routenumber, and E again to save the waypoint.Marking aPositionREFERENCE32After initiating the posi-tion averaging function, aFigure of Merit value willbe displayed, and the‘SAVE?’ field will auto-matically be highlighted.The GPS 48 will save newwaypoints with a defaultthree-digit name. To addthe waypoint to a route,enter the desired routenumber, highlight ‘SAVE?’and press ENTER.