· Multi-purpose Alarms: Dual alarm clocks and timers allow the GPS100 to watch the clock for you. Arrival, anchor drag, CDI, and hazardalerts help you safely navigate your craft.· Offset navigation: The offset navigation feature allows you totraverse your route a fixed distance left or right from a defined course.· Interfaces: Interface with marine or aviation autopilots and graphicalplotters. Down load waypoints and routes to your PC for permanentrecord.We encourage you to read this manual and experiment using the built-insimulator. This will help you quickly master the features of the GPS 100.1.2 AVIATION DATABASEThe GPS 100 AVD features a built-in Jeppesen NavData ® database providingdirect access to either North America, International or Worldwide navigationalinformation. When the GPS 100 AVD is turned on, the display will showwhich database the unit contains. Information contained in the databases isas follows:· Airports: Identifier, latitude, longitude, elevation, and nearest VOR.· VORs: Identifier, latitude, longitude, frequency, and co-located DME(or TACAN) indication.· NDBs: Identifier, latitude, longitude, and frequency.· Intersections: Identifier, latitude, longitude, and nearest VOR.The North American and International Databases contain this information forall intersections, NDBs and VORs and most public use airports with runwaysof 1,000 feet or greater. The North American Database covers Canada, thecontinental United States, Alaska, Mexico, Central America, and the Bahamas.The International Database covers the entire world except for the areacovered by the North American Database.The Worldwide Database contains information for most public use airportswith runways of 1,000 feet or greater, all VORs, NDBs, named outer markersand named final approach fixes for the entire world.1-2