APPENDIX BSpecifications &WiringDATA IN(WHITE)POWER(RED)GROUND(BLACK)DATA OUT(BROWN)Three optional cables are available to connect the GPS 12 to an external powersource or interface with another unit or PC:• Cigarette Lighter Adapter— Allows connection to a 12-volt DC cigarettelighter plug. Part No. 010-10084-00.• Data Transfer Cable— Allows data transfer between GARMIN GPS units. TheGPS 12 is compatible with the following units: GPS 38/40/45/45XL, GPS II/IIplus, GPS 12, and GPS 12XL. Information that can be transferred includes thealmanac, waypoints, routes, and tracklog. However, waypoint symbols areonly transferrable from or to units that support waypoint symbols such as theGPS II plus, GPS 12, and GPS 12XL software version 3.01 or later. Part No.010-10142-00.• PC Kit Interface Cable— PC interface cable with 9-pin ‘D’ serial data connec-tor. Part No. 010-10141-00. (A combined Cigarette Lighter Adapter and PCInterface Cable is also available as Part No. 010-10164-00.)The following interface formats are supported by the GPS 12 for connection toup to three NMEA devices:unit viewNMEA 0180NMEA 0182NMEA 0183 version 1.5Approved sentences:GPRMB, GPRMC, GPWPLProprietary sentences:PGRMM (map datum),PGRMZ (altitude), PSLIB(beacon rec. control)NMEA 0183 version 2.0Approved sentences:GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV,GPRMB, GPRMC, GPRTE,GPWPLProprietary sentences:PGRME (estimated error),PGRMM (map datum), PSLIB(beacon receiver control)DGPS corrections are accepted onRTCM-104 v. 2.1 format.53