Creating and Navigating RoutesTo create a route from the route definition page:1. Highlight the route number field, and press E.2. Enter a route number, and press E. (Select anempty route—without any waypoints listed—whencreating a new route.)3. Enter the first waypoint of your route, and pressE. As you continue entering the rest of your way-points, the list will automatically scroll down.4. To change the route comment (automatically assignedto the route based upon the starting and final destina-tion waypoints), highlight the route comment field andpress E. Enter the new comment and press E.Whenever you activate a route, it will automaticallyselect the route leg closest to your position as the activeleg. As you pass each waypoint in the route, the receiverwill automatically sequence and select the next way-point as the ‘active to’ waypoint.Activating and Inverting RoutesAfter a route has been entered, it can be either acti-vated in sequence or inverted from the route definitionpage. The process of activating or inverting a storedroute takes a storage route (routes 1-19) and copies itinto the active route (route 0) for navigation. The stor-age route is no longer needed and will be retained in itsoriginal format under its existing route number.This system allows you to have an active route thatyou may edit during navigation and save as an entirelynew route from the original. You will have to copy theactive route to an unused storage route to save it, sincenew route or TracBack activation overwrites route 0.To activate a route:1. From the route definition page, highlight the routenumber field and press E.2. Enter the route number to be activated, and pressE.3. Highlight ‘ACT?’, and press E.To activate a route in inverted order:1. Follow the steps above, but select ‘INV?’, and pressE.Using RoutesREFERENCE28You may use up to 16characters to customname a route. The defaultname will be the first andlast waypoint in the route.To activate a route, high-light the ‘ACT?’ promptand press ENTER.