251 - COM190-00356-00 Rev B420W / 430W Only Auto-Tuning from Nearest Airport PageCursor in VLOC window allows for VOR andILS operations. See Section 8.Auto-TuningThe 400W-series auto-tune feature allows youto quickly select any database frequency in the GPSwindow as your standby frequency. Any COM fre-quency displayed in the GPS window can be trans-ferred to the standby COM frequency field, with aminimum of keystrokes required. The following aresome examples of selecting COM frequencies fromsome of the main GPS pages.To select a COM frequency for a nearby airport:1. Select the nearest arport page from the NRSTpage group. Press and hold the CLR key, thenturn the large right knob untl the nearestpages appears. Fnally, f necessary, turn thesmall right knob to dsplay the nearest arportpage.2. Press the small right knob momentarly toplace the cursor on the arport dentfier fieldof the first arport n the lst. Turn the largeright knob to hghlght the desred arportfrequency.3. Press ENT to place the frequency n the standbyfield of the COM wndow.Nearest airport page with the Towerfrequency (TWR) for the closest airporthighlighted.4. Press the Com flip/flop key to swap thestandby and actve frequences.From the nearest airport page, select thedesired airport to show a more detailed list-ing of frequencies for that airport.5. Before leavng the frequency page, use thelarge right knob to hghlght “Done?” andpress ENT. “Done?” always needs to beacknowledged before leavng a page group.190-00356-00_0B.indd 25 9/7/2007 2:49:05 PM