20TAKEOFF TOUR190-00356-00 Rev BNearest AirspaceNearest Airspace PageThe last page in the NRST group, the nearestairspace page, provides information for up to ninecontrolled or special-use airspaces near or in yourflight path. Airspace information appears on this pagebased upon the same criteria used for airspace alertmessages. Nearby airspace information and airspacealert messages are provided according to the followingconditions:• If your projected course will take you inside anairspace within the next ten minutes, the mes-sage “Airspace ahead -- less than 10 minutes” willappear.• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspaceand your current course will take you inside, themessage “Airspace near and ahead” will appear.• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspaceand your current course will not take you inside,the message “Near airspace less than 2NM” willappear.• If you have entered an airspace, the message“Inside Airspace” will appear.By default, airspace alert messages are turned off.When turned on, the message (MSG) annunciatorlocated directly above the MSG key will flash to alertyou to the airspace message. (See Section 9 Aux Pages- Setup 1 for information on enabling airspace alertmessages.)To view an airspace alert message:1. Press the MSG key. The message page appearswth the alert message.When an airspace alert occurs, the message(MSG) annunciator will flash. Press MSG toview the alert message.2. Press MSG agan to return to the prevousdsplay.To view nearest airspace information:1. Turn the large right knob to reach the NRSTfuncton.To view additional information about theairspace, select the nearest airspace page.Detailed information is available by high-lighting the airspace name and pressing ENT.2. Turn the small right knob to reach theNearest Arspace page.Note that the airspace alerts are based upon three-dimensional data (latitude, longitude and altitude) toavoid nuisance alerts. The alert boundaries for con-trolled airspace are also sectorized to provide completeinformation on any nearby airspace. Additional infor-mation about a nearby airspace—such as controllingagency, frequency and floor/ceiling limits—is availablefrom the nearest airspace page.190-00356-00_0B.indd 20 9/7/2007 2:49:04 PM