Reference38Customizing your StreetPilot 2610/2650If you’ve experimented with creating routes and finding places using your StreetPilot, you may feel you’reready to customize it to suit your navigational needs. Take a moment to look at the options in this sectionand decide which features you’d like to customize.Adjusting the Backlight and ContrastThe StreetPilot touchscreen display and keys are illuminated for operation at night or in bright sunlight.Backlight intensity and screen contrast are adjustable. When operating the StreetPilot at extremetemperatures, you may find that minor adjustments are needed to obtain the clearest screen.To adjust screen backlighting and contrast:1. Press the remote or unit MENU key. Select ‘Display’ from the ‘Menu’ page.2. Adjust the backlight and the contrast to the desired level by experimenting with various bright andcontrast combinations. To have the unit automatically adjust the brightness, place a check in the‘Automatic Brightness’ box. For optimum Automatic Brightness results, set the brightness to a middlelevel. If Automatic Brightness is checked, the lower the brightness slide level is set, the sooner the unitreaches a minimum brightness level. The unit automatically adjusts the level depending on ambient lightconditions. (Note: If Auto Brightness is checked and you move the ‘brightness’ slider bar to its highestsetting, the brightness for the unit will not be able to automatically adjust itself.)Turning off Satellite Reception for Indoor UseUse Indoors (or) Use Outdoors — The Use Indoors optionstops satellite reception, speeds Map page drawing, and is usedfor practicing with the unit. The ‘Use Outdoors’ option receivessatellites for real-time navigation.Adjust your StreetPilot’s backlight and contrast bypressing the Display icon on the Menu page, shownabove. Access the Menu page by pressing the MENUkey on your StreetPilot.brightnessslidercontrastsliderAdjusting Backlight/Contrast