Vers. No. 6.186 Released: 25/04/20174 Connecting the modules → Q.bloxx A124: Connecting sensorsTipFurther information on transducers and sensors can also befound in Chapter 6 ff. page VoltageYou can measure voltage differences of up to ±80 mV. The volt-age level (the potential) may be up to 1200 VDC.IMPORTANTVoltage differences which exceed the admissible limits produceincorrect measurement data, because the inputs are protectedagainst overvoltages and limit the input voltage.Fig. 4-83 A124, voltage measurement.4.20.2 ThermocoupleThermocouples can be connected directly; the comparative mea-suring point (cold junction compensation) is integrated in themodule plug. You can connect the following types of thermocou-ple: B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T and U.Alternatively, you can also use two thermocouples or a referencetemperature source.TipYou will find information on the comparative measuring point andon the measurement with a reference temperature source inSection 6.6, Measuring w ith thermocouples, page 148.Fig. 4-84 A124, measurement w ith a thermocouple.U2, 7 (+)4, 9 (–)4, 9 (–)2, 7 (+)