GE Power Management SPM Synchronous Motor Protection & Control7- 117 TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING 7.5 PROGRAMMING7, SCROLL DOWN key to move to REG PF set-point then SELECT/ENTER to select the setpoint, Change the existing value of REG PF to 0.85 leading. SCROLLKey(s) to select value of 0.85 and then SELECT/ENTER key toaccept new valueSCROLL DOWN key to move to REG GAIN setpoint. This setpointis correctSCROLL DOWN key to move to STABILITY setpoint. Thissetpoint is correct, SCROLL DOWN key to move to REG OUTPUT setpoint thenSELECT/ENTER to select the setpoint., Change the existing value of REG PF to 10V. SCROLL Key(s) toselect value of 10 and then SELECT/ENTER key to accept newvalue, SCROLL DOWN key to move to FLOOR VOLTS setpoint thenSELECT/ENTER to select the setpoint., Change the existing value of FLOOR VOLTS to 5.00. SCROLLKey(s) to select value of 5.00 and then SELECT/ENTER key toaccept new valueExit out to SETPOINTS menu.Save setpoint changes.Exit out to PROGRAMMING MODE menuExit out to TEST MODE menuReady-mode displayTable 7–2: PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE (Sheet 4 of 4)KEYPRESS DISPLAY COMMENTSENTER REG PF: OFFENTER to modifyENTER REG PF: 0.85SCROLL to changeREG GAIN: 10ENTER to modifySTABILITY: 1 cycENTER to modifyENTER REG OUTPUT: 5 VENTER to modifyENTER REG OUTPUT: 10 VSCROLL to changeENTER FLOOR VOLTS: 0.00ENTER to modifyENTER FLOOR VOLTS: 5.00SCROLL to changeSETPOINTS?ENTER for menusSAVE CHANGES?ENTER to save...ENTER PROGRAMMING MODESCROLL PASSWORDTEST MODESCROLL for testsColl-Ring MotorSPM READY