4- 14SPM Synchronous Motor Protection & Control GE Power Management4.2 KEYPAD INTERFACE 4 USER INTERFACE44.2.5 VIEWING & CHANGING STATUS MODE PARAMETERSTo view or change the SPM status information, the user must enter the STAT MODE. This can be accom-plished with the motor either off or in running mode. Use the following procedure to enter the STAT MODE:1. With the display indicating the following, press the GE key (items in bold italics indicate that they should beblinking on the screen):2. The display should now indicate that the unit is in STAT MODE:3. Use the / keys to scroll through the STAT MODE parameters.4. If the SPM is configured such that status mode parameters are "read only", then these values can only beviewed and cannot be changed. If the SPM is configured such that status mode parameters are "read/write", then these values can be changed as follows.5. Once the parameter that is to be changed is displayed on the display, press to select the parameter:6. Use the / keys to change the values of the selected parameter and then press the key to con-tinue. If you choose not to change the parameter once it has been selected, pressing the GE key deselectsthe parameter.7. Additional parameters can be changed using the above procedure. When all parameter changes havebeen accomplished, press the GE Key. This will return the display to the STAT MODE main menu. Pressthe GE key again and the display will change to the PROGRAMMING MODE main menu. Pressing the GEkey again puts the display into the TEST MODE main menu. Pressing the GE key gain will then return thedisplay to the SPM READY display.4.2.6 ALTERNATE MENU OPERATIONIn order to view setpoints without changing values, or to view setpoints if the password is unknown, the alter-nate menu can be used. When the SPM is in the ready mode,press the key and the SPM will automatically switch into the alternate menu. The SPM will begin to auto-matically scroll through the setpoints. Pressing either of the / keys once will halt the display. Pressingeither of the / keys repeatedly will allow the user to scroll through the setpoints manually. This allowsthe user to scroll through the setpoints using the / keys but does not allow setpoints to be changed. Toreturn to the SPM READY display, press the key.Collr-Ring MotorSPM READYSTAT MODESCROLL for menusMOTOR HRS: 0SELECT to modifyMOTOR HRS: 0SCROLL to changeCollr-Ring MotorSPM READYENTERENTERENTERENTER