GE Power Management SPM Synchronous Motor Protection & Control4- 134 USER INTERFACE 4.2 KEYPAD INTERFACE44.2.4 CHANGING CONFIGURATIONSTo change the SPM configuration, the user must enter the PROGRAMMING MODE. This can be accomplishedwith the motor either off or in the running mode. To enter the PROGRAMMING MODE, the following proceduremust be used:1. With the display indicating the following, press the GE key (items in bold italics indicate that they should beblinking on the screen):2. The display should now indicate that the unit is in STAT MODE:3. Press the GE key. The display should now indicate that the unit is in PROGRAMMING MODE:4. Use the / keys to change the password and press to enter the password.5. The display should now indicate the CONFIGURATIONS menu or the CALIBRATION menu (dependingupon which scroll key was pressed). Use the / keys to select the CONFIGURATIONS menu.6. Press the key to enter the setpoints menu. Once in the CONFIGURATIONS menu, use the /keys to move through the different setpoints.7. To change a configuration, press the key as prompted:8. Once the configuration has been selected, the value of the setpoint should blink. Use the / keys tochange the value of the configuration and then press the key to continue. If you choose not tochange this setpoint once it has been selected, pressing the GE key deselects the setpoint.9. Additional configurations can be changed using the above procedure. When all setpoint changes havebeen accomplished, press the GE Key. This will return the display to the CONFIGURATIONS main menu.Press the GE key again and the display will ask to verify that changes should be save. Press to savethe configurations, otherwise press the GE key if you do not want to save the changes.10. Upon pressing the key (to save the setpoint changes) or the GE key (not wanting to save setpointchanges), the display returns to the PROGRAMMING MODE menu. Press the GE key once to go intoTEST MODE and a second time to return to the SPM READY display.Collr-Ring MotorSPM READYSTAT MODESCROLL for menusPROGRAMMING MODESCROLL PASSWORDPASSWORD: 0000ENTER to verifyCONFIGURATIONS?ENTER for menusMOTOR: Collr-RingSELECT to modifyMOTOR: Collr-RingSCROLL TO CHANGESAVE CHANGES?ENTER to save ...ENTERENTERENTERENTERENTERENTER