Chapter 4: TroubleshootingPC Command Line InterfaceService Manual 4-134.1.11 Heat Engine DiagnosticThis menu provides two high level functions:• 25% Output Test• Perform POST (Processor Reset)Perform Power On Self Test (POST) displays Power and Control Board Relay states, TSTAT States Heat ControlProcessor Software Revision, Error Code, POST and Online Self Test (OLST) messages and Mode Messages.To run the 25% Output Check, select the same and press the Start key. Once started, the Cmd field shouldread 25 while the Rpt field should read between 24% and 26%.Press the Stop key to stop the 25% Output Check.4.2 PC Command Line InterfaceUsing a PC and null modem cable gives access to an additional diagnostic screen that allows you to updatesystem software, access logs and perform other commands not available on the unit’s service modescreen.To order the communication cable, refer to “ Service tools” on page 2- Accessing the PC Command Line Interface1. Connect the cable to the 9 pin serial port located on the back of the warmer to a windows based PC.2. Open Hyper Terminal (for Windows XP, select Start/All Programs/Accessories/Communication/)3. Provide a name in the resulting dialog and click OK.4. In “Connect Using” Select COM 15. Enter Bits per second 115200Data bits 8Parity None