ge.comHow to Set the Oven for Speed BroilingHeat is l)rovided by the Ul)l)er element andmicrowave. Mr is dreulated with the reve_ingtim system. Oven door must be closed, Ideal forbroiling foods to medium to well done donenesslevels two times faster than traditional broil.[] Select SPEEDCOOKffom the main menu.[] Select SPEEDBROIL.[] Enter traditional broil time fiw fi_t side(using maMmtun time if a range is given).Reference the cha_x below.NOTE:If youdon'tplan to turnthefoodover,enterthetotalbroil time.[] Select STARTto preheat oven. Cook timewill automaticall_ comert to shorter timeand display on control screen.[] You mustproheat the oven. Wait for theI)reheat signal, and m essaoe_ on disl)lav• to"PUT FOOD IN OVEN" bed)re placing fi)odin ox, en.[][]Select START Start will not appear on controlscreenuntil door/s openedand food is put in oven.(_otmtdown of cook time _dll begin.NOTE: Foodmay be checkedat any tlYnebyopening the door Themicrowave and convectionfan will turn off and the time countdown will stopwhile the door is open. Theywill resume when thedoor is closedCheck fi)od when prompted. Turn fi)odas needed and add more time fin" thesecond side,After thecookbgtimehasended,theovenwillprompttheusertoadd "MORETIME"to furthercookfoodif deskedAddadditionaltimebyselectingMORETIME Entertraditionalcookingdynein minutesandselectSTARTOnceagain,theovenautomaticallyconvertsthetraditionalt/Ynetotheappropr/atespeedcookt/kne(nearestm/nute).PressCLEAR/OFFpad if foodhasfinishedcook/ng.Traditional Broiling Guide for Speed BroilingFoodGroundBeefBeefSteaksMed.RareMediumMed.RareMediumChickenFishLobsterTailsPorkChopsHamSlicesLambChopsMediumWell DoneQuantityand/orThickness2 lb.(8 patties)1/2" to 3/4" thick1" thick(about 2-3 Ibs.)1-1/2" thick(about 3-4 Ibs.)1 whole, cut up,about 3 to 3-1/2 Ibs.6 Bone-in breasts,12 to 14 oz. each6 Boneless breasts,5 to 7 oz. each4 Fillets, 1/4" to 1/2" thick4 Fillets,3/4" to 1" thick4 Steaks,1" thick(about2 Ibs.)2-4, 8 to 12oz.each6 Chops,1/2" thick(about2 Ibs.)6 Chops,1" thick(about4 Ibs.)2 precooked,1/2" thickChops,1-1/2"thick,about1-1/2Ibs.RackPositionDDDDDCCDEDDCEDDFirstSideTime,MinlO11131417352812714lO18-209-1123131214SecondSideTime, Min.810121316252610Donotturn over.Donotturn over.10Donotturn over.7146912ColllmentsSpaceevenlyon pan.Upto 8 pattiestakeaboutthe sametimeSteakslessthan1" thickcookthroughbeforebrowningCookfirst sideto desiredbrownness.Thenturnandfinishsecondsideto desireddoneness.Slashfat.Brusheachsidewithmeltedbutter.Broilskin-sidedownfirstPlaceskinsidedown.Brushwith oliveoil.Placeskinsidedown.Brushwith oliveoil.Brushwithlemonbutterbeforeandduringcooking,if desired.Cutthroughbackof shell.Spreadopen.Brushwithmeltedbutterafterhalf ofbroilingtime.Slashfat.Slashfat.Slash fat.23