8Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.How to Light a Gas Surface BurnerMake sure all the surface burners are placedin their respective positions.Electric Ignition Models:Push the control knob in and turn itto the LITE position.You will hear a little clicking noise—the sound of the electric spark ignitingthe burner.Turn the knob to adjust the flame size.If the knob stays at LITE, it will continueto click.When one burner is turned to LITE,all the burners spark. Do not attempt todisassemble or clean around any burnerwhile another burner is on. An electric shockmay result, which could cause you to knockover hot cookware.Standing Pilot Models:Push control knob in and turn it to HI position.The burner should light within a few seconds.Turn the knob to adjust the flame size.Flame will be almost horizontal and willlift slightly away from the burner whenthe burner is first turned on. A blowingor hissing sound may be heard for30–60 seconds. This normal sound is dueto improved injection of gas and air intothe burner. Put a pan on the burner beforelighting it, or adjust the flame to match pansize as soon as it lights, and the blowing orhissing sound will be much less noticeable.Push the control knob in and turnit to the LITE position (on electricignition models) or HI (on standingpilot models).Using the gas surface burners.Medium SmallMedium LargeBefore Lighting a Gas Burner After Lighting a Gas Burner■ If drip pans are supplied with your range,they should be used at all times.■ Make sure all burners are in place.■ Make sure all grates on the range areproperly placed before using any burner.■ Do not operate the burner for an extendedperiod of time without cookware on thegrate. The finish on the grate may chipwithout cookware to absorb the heat.■ Be sure the burners and grates are coolbefore you place your hand, a pot holder,cleaning cloths or other materials on them.On Ranges with Sealed Gas BurnersThe smallest burner in the right rear positionis the simmer burner. This burner can beturned down to a very low simmer setting.It provides precise cooking performance fordelicate foods such as sauces or foods thatrequire low heat for a long cooking time.The medium (left rear and left front)and the large (right front) burners are theprimary burners for most cooking. Thesegeneral-purpose burners can be turned downfrom HI to LO to suit a wide range of cookingneeds.NOTE: On some models, the burners are allthe same size and power.On some models, the burners are allthe same size and power.On some models.OperatingInstructions Safety InstructionsCare and CleaningInstallationInstructionsTroubleshootingTipsConsumer Support