Care and cleaning of the range.Burner Caps and Heads (onsealedburnersonlg)NOTE: Before removing the burner copsand heads, remember their size andlocation. Replace them in the samelocation after cleaning.ReplacementReplace burner heads over the electrodeson the cooktop, in the correct locationsaccording to their size.Use a sewing needle or twist-tieto unclog the small hole in theburner headBurner capsLift off when cool. Wash burner capsin hot, soapy water and rinse with cleanwaten You may scour with a plastic scouringpad to remove burned-on food particles.Burner headsFor proper ignition, make sure the smallhole in the section that fits over the electrodeis kept open. A sewing needle or wire tvdst-tieworks well to unclog it.The slits in the burner heads must be keptcleon at all times for an even, unhamperedflameCloggedor dirty burner ports or electrodeswillnot allow the burner to operate properly.Ang spill on or around an electrode mustbe carefullg cleaned. Take care to not hitan electrode with angthing hard or it couldbe damaged.You should clean the burner caps andburner heads routinelg, especiallg after badspillovers,which could clog the openingsin the burner heads. Lift affwhen cool.To remove burned-on food, soak the burnerheads in a solution of mild liquid detergentand hot water for 20-30 minutes. For morestubborn stains, use a toothbrush.After cleaningBefore putting the burner caps and headsback, shake out excesswater and then drgthem thoraughlg bg setting in a warm ovenfor 50 minutes.NOTE:Do not use steel wool or scouringpowders to dean the burners.Hake sure the slot in the burner head ispositioned over the electrode.Replace the matching size caps onto theheads. There is one small, two medium andone large cap. Sizesare stamped into thebottom of the caps.Hake sure that the heads and caps arereplaced in the correct locations.NOTE:On some models, the burners are oilthe same sizeand powe_22