Usingthe probe.(o,someodels) ge.comFor many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for aloneness. Thetemperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact aloneness you want.The temperature probe has askewer-like probe at one end anda plug at the otter end flTatgoesinto the outlet in the oven.Use of probes other than the oneproxided with this product Iuay result in(laluage to the probe or oxen conti'ol,Use the handles of the probe and plug_d_en inselting and removii_g theln fl'olnthe fi)od and outlet._::_Toavoid damaging yourprobe, do not usetongs to puff on the cable when removingit_'; Toavoid breaking the probe, makesure foodis completelydefrosted before insertlbg._MteI" preparh_g the iueat and placing it(m a trivet or a broiler pan grid designedfllr broiling, fi/llow these directions fl)rproper probe placelnelmInsert the probe completely illto themeat. It should not touch bone, fator gristle.NOTE."Failure to fully insert the probe into themeat may result in poor cookingperformancebecausethe probe wi// sense the ovenair vs.the food temperature.Plu _-___ _ ReadandrernevelabelCable_ Never leave your probe inside the ovenduringa self-cleaning or broil cycle._ Do not store the probe in the oven.CAUTION:ropreventpossiblebums,do not unplug the probe from the ovenoutlet untilthe ovenhas cooledFor roasts with no bone, insert the probeinto the ineatiest part of the roast. D/rbone-in haln or lalnb, insert the probeinto the center of the h)west large in uscle.Insert the probe into the center at dishessuch as lneat loat or casseroles.Insert the probe into the meatiest part ofthe ilmer thigh from below and parallelto the leg of a whole turkey.NOTE."Self-dean and Broil settings w/7/not workif the temperatureprobe is plugged lb.How to Set the Upper Oven For Baking/Roasting When Using the Probe(on some models)[][]Insert the probe hilly into the fi)od.Plug the probe into the outlet ill theoxen. Make sure it's pushed all theway in. Close the oven deal: Makesure the probe cable is not touchingthe broil elelnent.[][]Touch the PROBE pad.Touch the Iluluber pads to set thedesired internal toad or lneatteluperature. The nm_nmlninternal telnperature tor the toadthat w)u can set is 200°E[] Touch the BAKEpad.[] Touch the imlnber pads to set thedesired oven tenlperature.[] Touch the START pad.Thedisplay wi// flash if the probe is/bsertedlbto the outlet and you havenot set a probetemperatureand touchedthe STARTpad_dtei" the interlml telnperature of thetoad reaches 100°K the chai_ging internaltelnperature will be shown in the displa):[] X._qmn the internal telnperature ofthe toad reaches the imlnber xouhave set, the probe and the oventurn off and the oven calm-el signals.To stop the signal, touch theCLEAR/OFfpad. Use hot pads torelnove the probe ti'om the load.Do not use tongs to pull on it--theymight damage it.iJi::If the probe is removed from the oven whileprobe cooklbg, the oven wi// not automaticallyturn offTo change the oven temperature duringthe Bake/Roast cycle, touch the BAKEpad and then the nunlber pads to set thenew telilpei'attli'e._: Youcan use the Kitchen Timereventhoughyou cannot use timed oven operations l 7while using the probe.