Questions & AnswersQ. May I can foods and preserveson my surface unit?A. Yes, but only use cookwaredesigned for canning purposes,Check the manufacturer’sinstructions and recipes forpreserving foods. Be sure canneris flat-bottomed and fits over thecenter of your Calrod” unit. Sincecanning generates large amounts ofsteam, be careful to avoid burnsfrom steam or heat. Canning shouldonly be done on surface units.Q. Can I cover my drip pans withfoil?A. No. Clean as recommended inCleaning Guide.Q. Can I use special cookingequipment, like an oriental wok,on any surface units?A. Cookware without flat surfacesis not recommended. The life ofyour surface unit can be shortenedand the range top can be damagedfrom the high heat needed for thistype of cooking,Q. Why am I not getting the heatI need from my units even thoughI have the knobs on the rightsetting?A. After turning surface unit offand making sure it is cool, check tomake sure that your plug-in unitsare securely fastened into thesurface connection.Q. Why does my cookware tiltwhen I place it on the surface unit?A. Because the surface unit is notflat. Make sure that the “feet” onyour Calrod @units are sittingtightly in the range top indentationand the reflector ring is flat on therange surface.Q. Why is the porcelain finish onmy cookware coming off?A. If you set your Calrod @unithigher than required for thecookware material, and leave it,the finish may smoke, crack, pop,or burn depending on the pot orpan. Also, a too high heat for longperiods, and small amounts of dryfood, may damage the finish.Home Canning TipsCanning should be done onsurface units only.In surface cooking, the use of potsextending more than l-inch beyondedge of surface unit’s trim ring isnot recommended. However, whencanning with water-bath or pressurecanner, larger-diameter pots maybe used. This is because boilingwater temperatures (even underpressure) are not harmful tocooktop surfaces surrounding thesurface unit.HOWEVER, DO NOI’ USELARGE DIAMETER CANNERSOR OTHER LARGE DIAMETERPOTS FOR FRYING OR BOILINGFOODS 01’HER THAN WATER.Most syrup or sauce mixtures—and all types of frying— cook attemperatures much higher thanboiling water. Such temperaturescould eventually harm cooktopsurfaces surrounding surface units.Observe Following Pointsin Canning1. Be sure the canner fits over thecenter of the surface unit. If yourrange or its location does not allowthe canner to be centered on thesurface unit, use smaller-diameterpots for good canning results.2. Flat-bottomed canners mustbe used. Do not use canners withflanged or rippled bottoms (oftenfound in enamelware) because theydon’t make enough contact with thesurface unit and take too long toboil water.RIGHT WRONG3. When canning, use recipes andprocedures from reputable sources.Reliable recipes and procedures areavailable from the manufacturer ofyour canner; manufacturers ofglass jars for canning, such as Balland Kerr; and the United StatesDepartment of AgricultureExtension Service.4. Remember that canning isa process that generates largeamounts of steam. To avoid burnsfrom steam or heat, be carefulwhen canning.N~E: If your range is beingoperated on low power (voltage),canning may take longer thanexpected, even though directionshave been carefully followed. Theprocess time will be shortened by:(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) starting with H~ tap water forfastest heating of large quantitiesof water.10