BroilingBroiling may be slightly differentfrom any previous broiling you maybe acquainted with, so be sure toread this section completely.Broiling is cooking food by intenseradiant heat from the upper unit inthe oven. Most fish and tender cutsof meat can be broiled. Followthese steps to keep spattering andsmoking to a minimum.Step 1: If meat has fat or gristle nearedge, cut vertical slashes throughboth about 2“ apart. If desired, fatmay be trimmed, leaving layerabout 1/8” thick.Step 2: Place meat on broiler rackin broiler pan which comes withrange. Always use rack so fat dripsinto broiler pan; otherwise juicesmay become hot enough to catch fire.Step3: Position shelf on recommendedshelf position as suggested in BroilingGuide on page 17. Most broilingis done on D position.Step 4: Close the door. Always broilwith the door closed.Step 5: Turn OVEN TEMP knobcounterclockwise to BROIL. Youwill feel a slight niche at the broilposition. You may then turn theOVEN TEMP knob clockwise andbroil at a lower temperature.Step 6: Turn food only once duringcooking. Time foods for first sideper Broiling Guide.Turn food, then use times given forsecond side as a guide to preferreddoneness. (Where two thicknessesand times are given together, usefirst times given for thinnest food.)Step 7: Turn OVEN TEMP knob toOFF. Serve food immediately, andleave pan outside oven to coolduring meal for easiest cleaning.TO RESET THE OVEN FORBAKING, IT IS NECESSARY 17)TURN THE OVEN TEMP KNOBTO “OFF” and then back on to thetemperature setting of your choice.This gets it out of the broil mode.Use of Aluminum Foil1. If desired, broiler pan maybelined with foil and broiler rack maybe covered with foil for broiling.ALWAYS BE CERTAIN TO MOLDFOIL THOROUGHLY lKlBROILER RACK, AND SLITFOIL TO CONFORM WITHSLITS IN RACK. Broiler racks aredesigned to minimize smoking andspattering, and to keep drippingscool during broiling. Stopping fatand meat juices from draining to thebroiler pan prevents rack fromserving its purpose, and juices maybecome hot enough to catch fire.2. DO NOI’placea sheet ofaluminum foil on shelf. To do so mayresult in improperly cooked foods,darnage to oven ftish and increase inheat on outside surfaces of the oven.3. If desired, asheetof aluminum foilmay be used on floor of the ovenunder the bake unit. BE CERTAINFOIL DOES N~ TOUCH BAKEUNIT. Aluminum foil used in thisway may slightly affect the browningof some foods. Change foil when itbecomes soiled.Questions & AnswersQ. When broiling, is it necessaryto always use a rack in the pan?A. Yes. Using the rack suspendsthe meat over the pan. As the meatcooks, the juices fall into the pan,thus keeping meat drier. Juicesare protected by the rack and staycooler, thus preventing excessivespatter and smoking.Q. Should I salt the meat beforebroiling?A. No. Salt draws out the juicesand allows them to evaporate.Always salt after cooking. Turnmeat with tongs; piercing meatwith a fork also allows juices toescape. When broiling poultryor fish, brush each side ofienwith butter.Q. Why are my meats not turningout as brown as they should?A. In some areas, the power(voltage) to the range maybe low.In these cases, preheat the broilunit for 10 minutes before placingbroiler pan with food in oven.Check to see if you are using therecommended shelf position. Broilfor longest period of time indicatedin the Broiling Guide. Turn foodonly once during broiling.Q. Do I need to grease my broilerrack to prevent meat from sticking?A. No. The broiler rack is designedto reflect broiler heat, thus keepingthe surface cool enough to preventmeat sticking to the surface.However, spraying the broiler racklightly with a vegetable cookingspray before cooking will makecleanup easier.16