;. To conserve the most cooking 3. Deep Fat Frying. Do not overfillenergy, pans should be flat on the kettle with fat that may spill overbottom, have straight sides and tight when adding fbod. Frosty fbods bubblefitting lids. Match the size of the vigorously. Watch foods frying at highsaucepan to the size of the surface unit. temperatures and keep range and hoodA pan that extends more than an inch clean from accumulated grease.beyond the edge of the trim ring tramheat which causes “crazing” (t%e ‘hairline cracks) on porcelain, anddiscoloration ranging from blue todark gray on chrome trim rings.Directions and Settingto Start Cooking CommentsFor crisp dry chicken, cover onlyafter switching to WARM for 10minutes. Uncover and cook, turnhSetting to CompleteCookingWARM. Cover skillet andcook until tender.Uncover last few minutes.FoodFried ChickenCookwareCoveredSkillet HI. Melt fat. Switch toMEDIUM HI to brownchicken.occasionally 10 to 20 minutes. ‘1Pan fried bacon UncoveredSkillet HI. In cold skillet, arrangebacon slices. Cook justuntil starting to sizzle.HI. Melt fat. Switch toMED to brown slowly,MEDIUM HI. Cook, turningover as needed. A more attention-free methodis to start and cook at MED.Sauteed: Less tenderthin steaks (chuck,round, etc.); liver;thick or whole fishSimmered or stewedmeat; chicken; cornedbeef; smoked pork;stewing beef; tongue;etc.delting chocolate,butter, marshmallowsCoveredSkillet WARM. Cover and cookuntil tender. Meat may be breaded ormarinated in sauce before frying.CoveredDutch Oven,Kettle orLargeSaucepanHI. Cover meat with waterand cover pan or kettle.Cook until steaming.WARM. Cook until forktender. (Water shouldslowly boil). For very largeloads, medium heat maybe needed.Add salt or other seasoningbefore cooking if meat has notbeen smoked or otherwisecured.SmallUncoveredSaucepan.Use smallsurface unitLO. Allow 10 to 15 minutes tomelt through. Stir to smooth. When melting marshmallows, addmilk or water.Pancakes orFrench toast Skillet orGriddle Cook 2 to 3 minutes per side. Thick batter takes slightly longertime. Turn over pancakes whenbubbles rise to surface.PastaNoodles or spaghetti CoveredLarge Kettleor PotHI. In covered kettle, bringsalted water to a boil, uncoverand add pasta slowly soboiling does not stop.MEDIUM HI. Cook uncovereduntil tender. For largeamounts, HI may beneeded to keep water atrolling boil throughoutentire cooking time.MEDIUM HI for foods cooking10 minutes or less. MED forfoods over 10 minutes.WARM. To finish cooking.Use large enough kettle toprevent boilover. Pasta doublesin size when cooked.Pressure Cooking PressureCooker orCannerHI. Heat until first jiggle isheard. Cooker should ji~le 2 to 3 timesper minute.HI. Bring just to boil.Puddings, Sauces,Candies, FrostingsVegetablesFreshUncoveredSaucepan Stir frequently to preventsticking.CoveredSaucepan HI. Measure 1/2 to 1 inch MED. Cook 1 pound 10water in saucepan. Add to 30 or more minutes,salt and prepared vegetable. depending on tendernessIn covered saucepan bring of vegetable.to boil.Uncovered pan requires morewater and longer time.Frozen CoveredSaucepan HI. Measure water and saltas above. Add frozen blockof vegetable. In coveredsaucepan bring to boil.HI. In skillet melt fat.WARM. Cook according totime on package. Break up or stir as needed whilecooking.Sauteed: Onions;green peppers;‘dlmxns; celery; etc.Ace and GritsUncoveredSkillet MED. Add vegetable.Cook until desiredtenderness is reached.LO. Cover and cookaccording to time.llm over or stir vegetable asnecessary for even browning.HI, Bring salted water to aboil,CoveredSaucepan Triple in volume after cooking.Time at LO. Rice: 1 cup riceand 2 cups water-25 minutes.Grits: 1 cup grits and 4 cupswater—40 minutes,I9