5-226 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin5.9 TESTING 5 SETTINGS55.9TESTING 5.9.1 TEST MODEPATH: SETTINGS ÖØ TESTING Ö TEST MODEThe relay provides test settings to verify that functionality using simulated conditions for contact inputs and outputs. Thetest mode is indicated on the relay faceplate by a flashing Test Mode LED indicator.To initiate the Test mode, the TEST MODE FUNCTION setting must be “Enabled” and the TEST MODE INITIATE setting must beset to logic 1. In particular:• To initiate Test Mode through relay settings, set TEST MODE INITIATE to “On”. The test mode starts when the TEST MODEFUNCTION setting is changed from “Disabled” to “Enabled”.• To initiate test mode through a user-programmable condition, such as FlexLogic™ operand (pushbutton, digital input,communication-based input, or a combination of these), set TEST MODE FUNCTION to “Enabled” and set TEST MODE INI-TIATE to the desired operand. The test mode starts when the selected operand assumes a logic 1 state.When in test mode, the F60 remains fully operational, allowing for various testing procedures. In particular, the protectionand control elements, FlexLogic™, and communication-based inputs and outputs function normally.The only difference between the normal operation and the test mode is the behavior of the input and output contacts. Theformer can be forced to report as open or closed or remain fully operational; the latter can be forced to open, close, freeze,or remain fully operational. The response of the digital input and output contacts to the test mode is programmed individu-ally for each input and output using the force contact inputs and force contact outputs test functions described in the follow-ing sections.5.9.2 FORCE CONTACT INPUTSPATH: SETTINGS ÖØ TESTING ÖØ FORCE CONTACT INPUTSThe relay digital inputs (contact inputs) could be pre-programmed to respond to the test mode in the following ways:• If set to “Disabled”, the input remains fully operational. It is controlled by the voltage across its input terminals and canbe turned on and off by external circuitry. This value should be selected if a given input must be operational during thetest. This includes, for example, an input initiating the test, or being a part of a user pre-programmed test sequence.• If set to “Open”, the input is forced to report as opened (Logic 0) for the entire duration of the test mode regardless ofthe voltage across the input terminals.• If set to “Closed”, the input is forced to report as closed (Logic 1) for the entire duration of the test mode regardless ofthe voltage across the input terminals.The force contact inputs feature provides a method of performing checks on the function of all contact inputs. Onceenabled, the relay is placed into test mode, allowing this feature to override the normal function of contact inputs. The TestMode LED will be on, indicating that the relay is in test mode. The state of each contact input may be programmed as “Dis-abled”, “Open”, or “Closed”. All contact input operations return to normal when all settings for this feature are disabled. SETTINGS TESTINGTEST MODEFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE TEST MODE INITIATE:OnRange: FlexLogic™ operand FORCE CONTACT INPUTSFORCE Cont Ip 1:DisabledRange: Disabled, Open, ClosedMESSAGE FORCE Cont Ip 2:DisabledRange: Disabled, Open, Closed↓MESSAGE FORCE Cont Ip xx:DisabledRange: Disabled, Open, Closed