GE Multilin F60 Feeder Protection System 2-312 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.4 SPECIFICATIONS22.4.13 APPROVALSAPPROVALS2.4.14 MAINTENANCEMOUNTINGAttach mounting brackets using 20 inch-pounds (±2 inch-pounds)of torque.CLEANINGNormally, cleaning is not required; but for situations where dusthas accumulated on the faceplate display, a dry cloth can be used.To avoid deterioration of electrolyticcapacitors, power up units that are storedin a de-energized state once per year, forone hour continuously.COMPLIANCE APPLICABLE COUNCILDIRECTIVEACCORDING TOCE Low voltage directive EN 60255-5EMC directive EN 60255-26 / EN 50263EN 61000-6-5C-UL-US --- UL 508UL 1053C22.2 No. 14NOTICE