6-26 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin6.3 METERING 6 ACTUAL VALUES6 The above actual values are displayed without the corresponding time stamp as they become available per the recordingrate setting. Also, the recording post-filtering setting is applied to these values.6.3.11 PMU AGGREGATORPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT PMU AGGREGATOR 1Actual values for the IEC 61850-90-5 PDU size are provided. These values allow you to know the approximate Ethernetframe size for the data streams from each aggregator. This can help to estimate network loading. The PDU size shown inthe displays does not include the Ethernet, UDP, or IP layers. PDU sizes approaching approximately 1500 bytes result infragmented data frames, causing increased network traffic.6.3.12 RESTRICTED GROUND FAULTPATH: ACTUAL VALUES METERING RESTRICTED GROUND FAULT CURRENTS RESTRICTED GROUND FAULT 1(6)The differential and restraint current values for the restricted ground fault element are displayed in this menu.MESSAGE PMU 1 V2:0.0000 kV, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 V0:0.0000 kV, 0.00°Range: Substituted with zero if delta-connected VTs.MESSAGE PMU 1 IA:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 IB:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 IC:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 IG:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 I1:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 I2:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 I0:0.0000 kA, 0.00°MESSAGE PMU 1 FREQUENCY:0.0000 HzMESSAGE PMU 1 df/dt:0.0000 Hz/sMESSAGE PMU 1 CONFIG CHANGECOUNTER: 0Range: 0 to 65535 PMU AGGREGATOR 1PMU AGGREGATOR 1PDU SIZE: 0 RESTRICTED GROUND FAULT 1RGF 1 DIFF Igd:0.000 AMESSAGE RGF 1 RESTR Igr:0.000 A