2-12 F60 Feeder Protection System GE Multilin2.2 SPECIFICATIONS 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION2INCIPIENT CABLE FAULT DETECTIONPrinciple: detection of ½ cycle or less overcurrentcondition during normal loadAvailability: two per CT/VT module (not including 8Zmodules)Pickup level: 0.1 to 10.00 pu in steps of 0.01Reset delay: 0.000 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001Operating mode: number of counts, counts per time win-dowSYNCHROCHECKMax voltage difference: 0 to 400000 V in steps of 1Max angle difference: 0 to 100 ° in steps of 1Max freq. difference: 0.00 to 2.00 Hz in steps of 0.01Hysteresis for max. freq. diff.: 0.00 to 0.10 Hz in steps of 0.01Dead source function: None, LV1 & DV2, DV1 & LV2, DV1 orDV2, DV1 xor DV2, DV1 & DV2(L = Live, D = Dead)AUTORECLOSURESingle breaker applications, 3-pole tripping schemesUp to 4 reclose attempts before lockoutIndependent dead time setting before each shotPossibility of changing protection settings after each shot withFlexLogic™LOAD ENCROACHMENTResponds to: Positive-sequence quantitiesMinimum voltage: 0.000 to 3.000 pu in steps of 0.001Reach (sec. Ω): 0.02 to 250.00 Ω in steps of 0.01Impedance accuracy: ±5%Angle: 5 to 50° in steps of 1Angle accuracy: ±2°Pickup delay: 0 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001Reset delay: 0 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001Time accuracy: ±3% or ±4 ms, whichever is greaterOperate time: < 30 ms at 60 HzTHERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTIONThermal overload curves: IEC 255-8 curveBase current: 0.20 to 3.00 pu in steps of 0.01Overload (k) factor: 1.00 to 1.20 pu in steps of 0.05Trip time constant: 0 to 1000 min. in steps of 1Reset time constant: 0 to 1000 min. in steps of 1Minimum reset time: 0 to 1000 min. in steps of 1Timing accuracy (cold curve): ±100 ms or 2%, whichever isgreaterTiming accuracy (hot curve): ±500 ms or 2%, whichever is greaterfor I p < 0.9 × k × I b and I / (k × I b) > 1.1TRIP BUS (TRIP WITHOUT FLEXLOGIC™)Number of elements: 6Number of inputs: 16Operate time: <2 ms at 60 HzTime accuracy: ±3% or 10 ms, whichever is greater2.2.2 USER-PROGRAMMABLE ELEMENTSFLEXLOGIC™Programming language: Reverse Polish Notation with graphicalvisualization (keypad programmable)Lines of code: 512Internal variables: 64Supported operations: NOT, XOR, OR (2 to 16 inputs), AND (2to 16 inputs), NOR (2 to 16 inputs),NAND (2 to 16 inputs), latch (reset-domi-nant), edge detectors, timersInputs: any logical variable, contact, or virtualinputNumber of timers: 32Pickup delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1Dropout delay: 0 to 60000 (ms, sec., min.) in steps of 1FLEXCURVES™Number: 4 (A through D)Reset points: 40 (0 through 1 of pickup)Operate points: 80 (1 through 20 of pickup)Time delay: 0 to 65535 ms in steps of 1FLEX STATESNumber: up to 256 logical variables groupedunder 16 Modbus addressesProgrammability: any logical variable, contact, or virtualinputFLEXELEMENTS™Number of elements: 8Operating signal: any analog actual value, or two values indifferential modeOperating signal mode: signed or absolute valueOperating mode: level, deltaComparator direction: over, underPickup Level: –90.000 to 90.000 pu in steps of 0.001Hysteresis: 0.1 to 50.0% in steps of 0.1Delta dt: 20 ms to 60 daysPickup & dropout delay: 0.000 to 65.535 s in steps of 0.001NON-VOLATILE LATCHESType: set-dominant or reset-dominantNumber: 16 (individually programmed)Output: stored in non-volatile memoryExecution sequence: as input prior to protection, control, andFlexLogic™USER-PROGRAMMABLE LEDsNumber: 48 plus trip and alarmProgrammability: from any logical variable, contact, or vir-tual inputReset mode: self-reset or latched