CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS REMOTE RESOURCESF60 FEEDER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1435Once teleprotection is enabled and the teleprotection input/outputs are configured, data packets are transmittedcontinuously every 1/4 cycle (3/8 cycle if using C37.94 modules) from peer-to-peer. Security of communication channeldata is achieved by using CRC-32 on the data packet.NUMBER OF TERMINALS — Specifies whether the teleprotection system operates between two peers or three peers.NUMBER OF CHANNELS — Specifies how many channels are used. If the NUMBER OF TERMINALS is “3” (three-terminal system),set the NUMBER OF CHANNELS to “2.” For a two-terminal system, the NUMBER OF CHANNELS can set to “1” or “2” (redundantchannels).LOCAL RELAY ID NUMBER, TERMINAL 1 RELAY ID NUMBER, and TERMINAL 2 RELAY ID NUMBER — In installations that usemultiplexers or modems, it is desirable to ensure that the data used by the relays protecting a given line is from the correctrelays. The teleprotection function performs this check by reading the message ID sent by transmitting relays andcomparing it to the programmed ID in the receiving relay. This check is also used to block inputs if inadvertently set toloopback mode or data is being received from a wrong relay by checking the ID on a received channel. If an incorrect ID isfound on a channel during normal operation, the TELEPROT CH1 ID FAIL or TELEPROT CH2 ID FAIL FlexLogic operand is set, driving theevent with the same name and blocking the teleprotection inputs. For commissioning purposes, the result of channelidentification is also shown in the STATUS CHANNEL TESTS VALIDITY OF CHANNEL CONFIGURATION actual value. Thedefault value of “0” for the LOCAL RELAY ID NUMBER indicates that relay ID is not to be checked. On two- terminals two-channel systems, the same LOCAL RELAY ID NUMBER is transmitted over both channels; as such, only the TERMINAL 1 IDNUMBER has to be programmed on the receiving end.5.3.20 InstallationSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP INSTALLATIONRELAY SETTINGS — To safeguard against the installation of a relay without any entered settings, the unit does not allowsignaling of any output relay until RELAY SETTINGS is set to "Programmed." This setting is "Not Programmed" by default. TheUNIT NOT PROGRAMMED self-test error message displays until the relay is put into the "Programmed" state.RELAY NAME — This setting allows the user to uniquely identify a relay. This name appears on generated reports.5.4 Remote resources5.4.1 Remote resources configurationWhen the F60 is ordered with a process card module as a part of HardFiber system, an additional Remote Resourcesmenu tree is available in the EnerVista software to allow configuration of the HardFiber system.Teleprotection inputs/outputs and direct inputs/outputs are mutually exclusive. As such, they cannot be usedsimultaneously. Once teleprotection inputs and outputs are enabled, direct inputs and outputs are blocked, andvice versa. INSTALLATION RELAY SETTINGS:Not ProgrammedRange: Not Programmed, Programmed RELAY NAME:Relay-1Range: up to 20 alphanumeric characters