6-96. Configuration (continued)• Language*: Specifies the language used on the printer’s LCD display andinternal pages. Default is English, also available are French, Italian, Germanand Spanish.• Startup Page: Determines whether a startup page is generated when theprinter is powered on. Default is Enabled.Note: Changes made to items marked with an asterisk (*) will not take effectuntil the printer is restarted.7. Input/Output• I/O Timeout: Sets the amount of time that the printer will wait for moreinformation when communicating with the computer or network beforeflushing the job and timing out. This value can be set from 1 to 300 secondsin one second intervals. Default is 15 seconds.• TCP/IP*: Sets the built-in TCP/IP protocol to Disabled or Enabled.• Gateway Address*: Sets the printer’s TCP/IP Gateway Address (also calledDefault Router). This item only appears if TCP/IP is Enabled. To set thisaddress, press Value to change each bank of numbers and press Select toaccept the change and move to the next bank of numbers. Press Selectagain when all four numbers are set.• Subnet Mask: Sets the printer’s TCP/IP Subnet Mask. This item only appearsif TCP/IP is Enabled. To set this address, press Value to change each bank ofnumbers and press Select to accept the change and move to the next bankof numbers. Press Select again when all four numbers are set.• IP Address*: Sets the printer’s TCP/IP Address. This item only appears ifTCP/IP is Enabled. To set this address, press Value to change each bank ofnumbers and press Select to accept the change and move to the next bankof numbers. Press Select again when all four numbers are set.• EtherTalk*: Sets the built-in EtherTalk (AppleTalk via Ethernet) protocol toDisabled or Enabled.• Zone Name 1: Displays the printer’s default AppleTalk zone, if specified. Thisitem only appears if EtherTalk is enabled.• Zone Name 2: Displays the printer’s secondary AppleTalk zone, if specified.This item only appears if EtherTalk is enabled.