Symbol ® , Proxim TM , BreezeCom TM , and AiroNetTM are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Stylistic 3400 is a trademark of Fujitsu PC Corporation. © 2000 Fujitsu PC Corporation3/00 58-0715-00AFUJITSU PC CORPORATIONFMW42RC1Radio Antenna Cover KitInstallation GuideStylistic 3400These instructions provide details on assemblingand installing the Radio Antenna Cover Kit for theStylistic 3400 pen tablet.The antenna cover should be installed when mosttypes of antennae protrude from a radio PC Card.The cover provides a rigid cap over the antenna toprevent damage during everyday use.Assembling the Radio Antenna Cover Kit 0The Radio Antenna Cover Kit consists of thefollowing parts:• Plastic Hood• Plastic Base• Two black screws• One tapping screwTo assemble the radio antenna cover, place thehood atop the base as illustrated in Figure 1. Makesure the positioning tab is on the inside of thehood. Secure the two pieces with the tappingscrew by inserting it through the hole in the baseinto the standoff inside the hood.Installing the Radio Antenna Cover 0To attach the radio antenna cover to the pen tablet,perform the following steps.1. Position the antenna cover in relation to theback of the pen tablet as shown in Figure 2.2. If caps are present over the mounting holes,remove them with a small screwdriver, orsimilar tool.NoteThe antenna cover was specifically tested with Symbol®,ProximTM , BreezeComTM , and AiroNetTM radios; it ispossible that certain other antennae will protrude too farfrom the system to fit within the antenna cover.3. Insert the antenna cover tabs into the two tab slotson the pen tablet.4. Insert the two black screws through the holes in thehood and secure them to the pen tablet.Figure 1. Assembling the Radio Antenna CoverFigure 2. Installing the Radio Antenna CoverBaseHoodTapping ScrewStandoffPositioningTab (inside)PC CardTabTab SlotsMountingHoleSlot