Stylistic 3400 is a trademark of Fujitsu PC Corporation © 2000 Fujitsu PC Corp.2/00 Page 1 of 1 58-0713-00AFMWAC6A FMWAC6B FMWAC6CAC AdapterOperating InstructionsThese instructions provide details on using theFujitsu FMWAC6A (US), FMWAC6B (UK), andFMWAC6C (Euro) AC adapters.Note: The only difference between the three AC adaptermodels is a variation in the supplied AC powercords. These operating instructions are applicableto all three adapter models.The AC adapter is designed for use with yourStylistic 3400 pen tablet. Note that the AC adaptercan also be used with external battery chargers,docking stations, port replicators, and cradlesdesigned for use with the system.0AC Adapter Features0Caution• This AC adapter is for indoor use only. Do notuse where exposure to water or excessivemoisture is possible.• This AC adapter generates a magnetic fieldthat can damage your floppy disk drive.Maintain a safe minimum distance (about 3inches or 8 centimeters) between the ACadapter and your floppy disk drive.AC Adapter ModuleAC Power CordDC Power Cord (to system) (to AC outlet)Connecting the AC Adapter 0To connect the AC adapter to your system:1. Plug the DC power cord into the DC inputconnector on your pen tablet, port replicator,docking station, or cradle.2. Plug the AC power cord into the AC adapter.3. Plug the other end of the AC power cord intoyour AC wall outlet.4. Confirm that the AC adapter is now supplyingpower to your pen tablet system or other device.Refer to the user documentation for your system,if necessary, to determine how your pen tabletindicates external power is connected.You can now use your system with external powersupplied by the AC adapter.Disconnecting the AC Adapter 0To disconnect the AC adapter:1. Disconnect the DC output cord from your pentablet system or other device.2. Unplug the AC adapter from your AC walloutlet.Troubleshooting 0If the AC adapter is not supplying power to yourpen tablet system, check the following:• Ensure that power is supplied to your AC walloutlet.• Ensure that the AC power cord is firmly pluggedinto the AC adapter and the AC wall outlet.• Ensure that the DC Power Cord is firmly seated inthe DC input connector.Specifications 0Specifications for the AC adapter are shown in thefollowing table.AC Adapter SpecificationsInput 100-240 VAC50-60 Hz1.2 A maxOutput 16 VDC, 3.36 A maxDC output plug polarity Center: positive (+)Sleeve: negative (-)