Stylistic 3400 is a trademark of Fujitsu PC Corporation. © 2000 Fujitsu PC Corporation3/00 1 of 2 58-0714-00AThe external battery charger (shown above) allows you tocharge up to two Lithium ion battery packs for theStylistic 3400 pen tablet.There are three status indicators on the battery charger,one for each battery slot and one for the power, as shownin Figure 1. The battery status indicators change colors torepresent different battery conditions, as noted in Table 1.Figure 1. Status IndicatorsCONNECTOR PINSBATTERY SLOT 1 BATTERY SLOT 2BATTERY SLOT 1 BATTERY SLOT 2STATUS INDICATORSTOP VIEWBATTERY CHARGERBATTERY 1 POWER BATTERY 2Table 1: Status Indicator StatesIndicator Condition Status CommentsPower OFF AC Adapter not connected 1 Blinks at rate of one second on, one second off.2 Standby state occurs when one of the two batterypacks inserted is waiting to be charged.3 If the charger or battery pack you inserted is defective,remove the battery pack, disconnect power to thecharger, and contact your local help desk or yourreseller for further assistance.Green ON AC Adapter connectedBattery 1Battery 2OFF No battery installedGreen ON Charging completeAmber ON Battery chargingBlinking 1,2 Standby modeRed ON 3 Battery pack defectiveBlinking 1, 3 Battery charger defectiveFMW42BC1External Battery ChargerStylistic 3400User’s Guide