2) Please select[f:finish] :XCP update has been completed (XCP version=xxxx:last version=yyyy)■ Executing the flashupdate(8) commandDo not power on the physical partition (PPAR) during the execution of theflashupdate(8) command. If you power on the PPAR during the execution of theflashupdate(8) command, power it on again after the completion of the command.Upon the completion of the flashupdate(8) command, execute the showlogs eventcommand to confirm the following message.Restoration after the "SCF Diagnosis initialize RTC" error(RTIF2-131108-001)[How to restore]■ If phenomenon 1 occurs:a. If the Oracle Solaris time has returned to January 1, 2001, execute the setdate(8)command to set the XSCF time again. In this case, the XSCF is reset. After that,power off and on the PPAR.b. If the Oracle Solaris time is other than January 1, 2001, contact a field engineer.In this case, do not execute the resetdateoffset(8) of setdate(8) command on theXSCF.c. If the PPAR power is off, power on the PPAR. After that, check the OracleSolaris time, and perform the above steps a. or b.■ If phenomenon 2 occurs:a. If the Oracle Solaris time has returned to January 1, 2001, it is necessary toinitialize the time difference between the XSCF time and Hypervisor on all ofthe PPARs. Stop all the PPARs, and execute the resetdateoffset -a command toclear the time difference.b. If the Oracle Solaris time is other than January 1, 2001, contact a field engineer.In this case, do not execute the resetdateoffset(8) of setdate(8) command on theXSCF.c. If the PPAR power is off, power on the PPAR. After that, check the OracleSolaris time, and perform the above steps a. or b.■ If phenomenon 3 occurs:If phenomenon 1 or 2 also occurs, perform its [How to restore] action first.Set the Oracle Solaris time again.Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Product Notes for XCP Version 2240 ・ March 2015138