Table 3-12 Problems resolved in XCP 2210 (continued)SPARC M10-RTI No. 1 4 4S Description WorkaroundRTIF2-140212-001x In a system configuration with severalSPARC M10-4S (system boards), after asystem board in a physical partition hasbeen degraded due to failure, when thesystem board is attempted to be replacedwith the replacefru(8) command, thesystem board is recognized as beingrunning and the attempt of replacementfails with the following error message:[Warning:028]BB#XX cannot be replaced because thePSB in the BB that you indicated isrunning.Similarly, an attempt to initialize thedegraded system board with the initbb(8)command fails with the following errormessage:Hardware error occurred by initialdiagnosis.This symptom occurs if the system boardis in the following state, when theshowhardconf(8) or the showboards(8)command is executed:[Example]In case PSB#01-0 (BB#01) has beendegraded.XSCF> showhardconf...* BB#01 Status:Deconfigured;...XSCF> showboards -aPSB PPAR-ID(LSB) Assignment PwrConn Conf Test Fault--- ------------ ----------- ---- ---- ---- ---------------01-0 00(01) Assigned n nn Passed FaultedAfter removing the degraded systemboard from the physical partition withthe deleteboard(8) command, executeeither the replacefru(8) or the initbb(8)command to replace or remove thesystem board.[Example]XSCF> deleteboard -c unassign 01-0After replacing the system board, assignthe system board to the physical partitionusing the addboard(8) command andfollow the maintenance procedures toadd it in the physical partition.[Example]XSCF> addboard -c assign -p 0 01-0RTIF2-140212-010x x x If [Ctrl]+[C] is executed in the middle ofexecuting the setsnmp(8), setsnmpusm(8) or the setsnmpvacm(8) commands,SNMP cannot be set up using the abovecommands after that. In such a case, theerror message "configuration beingchanged by another user" may bedisplayed.There is no effective workaround.Chapter 3 Information on Software 109