1. Check to see that you have received the following parts:NOTE: If you are uncertain of part description, refer toexploded view illustration.4Unpacking InstructionsFor your convenience, check-off boxes are provided next to each step. As each step is completed, place a checkmark in the box. This will insure that all steps have been completed and will be helpful in finding your place shouldyou be interrupted.Do not install or use fan if any part is damaged ormissing. This product is designed to use only thoseparts supplied with this product and/or anyaccessories designated specifically for use with thisproduct by Fanimation. Substitution of parts oraccessories not designated for use with this productby Fanimation could result in personal injury orproperty damage. )an 0otor $ssePEly +anger %racket $ssePEly 'ownrod+anger %all $ssePEly Ceiling Canopy Canopy 6crew Cover $ssePEly 0otor Coupling Cover $ssePEly %lade Cover 6et %lade +older 6et %lade 6et /ight 3late $ssePEly /(' $ssePEly 6teel Cap $ssePEly *lass +and +eld 5ePote +ardware Eags:– 7wentyeight Ý [ PPElade to Elade holder3an +ead 6errated 6crew– 1ineteen Ý [ PPElade holder to Potor3an +ead 6crew– 3hillips 6crewdriver Ý– )our :ire Connectors– %alance .itCeiling CanopyHanger BracketAssemblyDownrod/Hanger Ball AssemblyMotor CouplingCover AssemblyFan MotorAssemblyHardware Bag Hand HeldRemoteGlassSteel Cap AssemblyBlade Holder SetBladeSetBlade Cover SetCanopy ScrewCover AssemblyLight Plate Assembly– %ag $ssePEly 6afety CaEleThis manual is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to assemble,install, operate and maintain your ceiling fanTools Needed for Assembly• 2ne 3hillips head screwdriver• One stepladder• 7hree wire connectors supplied,nstalled :ire /ength :ire 6i]e $:*/Before assembling your ceiling fan, refer to sectionon proper method of wiring your fan (page 10). If youfeel you do not have enough wiring knowledge orexperience, have your fan installed by a licensedelectrician.WARNING!• One wire stripper8p to ft ft • One ´ EladescrewdriverMaterials:iring outlet Eo[ and Eo[ connectors Pust Ee of typereTuired Ey the local code 7he PiniPuP wire would Ee aconductor wire with ground of the following si]e:NOTE: Place the parts from the loose parts bags in a smallcontainer to keep them from being lost. If any parts aremissing contact your local retailer.LED Assembly