2. InstallationRC700 / RC90 Option Fieldbus I/O Rev.14 245Communication State TransitionThe EtherCAT slave module goes into initialized state after the power is turned ON.Subsequent state transition is controlled by the EtherCAT master.InitializationOperationalPreoperationalSafe operationalState DescriptionInitializationStatus after turning ON the power.Initialization state is continued by the EtherCAT untilpreoperational state.PreoperationalSet by the EtherCAT master.SDO (Service Data Object) communication is only available inthis state.Safe operationalSet by the EtherCAT master.PDO (Process Data Object) transmission, along with SDO(Service Data Object) communication is available in this state.OperationalSet by the EtherCAT master.All communications are available in this state.Control of I/O data with the EtherCAT master is possible.Electronic Information File (ESI file)An ESI (EtherCAT Slave Information) file is supplied for EtherCAT slave modulenetwork configuration. The file is located in the following folder where EPSON RC+ 7.0is installed.\EpsonRC70\Fieldbus\EtherCATEPSN_TSERIES_ECT_V2.3.xml