Method:Put flour, dried yeast, icing sugar, butter,eggs, salt and milk into a mixing bowl andknead to a smooth yeast dough. Cover thedough in the bowl and leave to rise for 1hour.Knead the soaked raisins into the dough byhand.Place the almonds individually into eachhollow in a greased and floured gugelhupftin.Then shape the dough into a sausageshape, place in the gugelhupf tin. Coverand leave to rise again for 45 minutes.– Time in the appliance: 60 minutes– Shelf position: 1BrowniesIngredients:• 250 g plain chocolate• 250 g butter• 375 g sugar• 2 packet vanilla sugar (approximately 16g)• 1 pinch salt• 5 tablespoons water• 5 eggs• 375 g walnuts• 250 g flour• 1 teaspoon baking powderMethod:Break chocolate up into large pieces andmelt in a bain marie.Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla sugar,salt and water, add the eggs and the mel-ted chocolate.Roughly chop the walnuts, mix with theflour and baking powder and fold into thechocolate mixture.Line a deep baking tray with baking parch-ment, put the mixture on top and smooth.– Time in the appliance: 50 minutes– Shelf position: 2After baking:Leave to cool, remove baking parchmentand cut into squares.MuffinsIngredients:• 150 g butter• 150 g sugar• 1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately 8g)• 1 pinch salt• zest of one unwaxed lemon• 2 eggs• 50 ml milk• 25 g cornflour• 225 g flour• 10 g baking powder• 1 jar of sour cherries (375 g)• 225 g chocolate chipsOther:• Paper cases, approximately 7 cm diame-terMethod:Cream together butter, sugar, vanilla sugar,salt and the zest of one unwaxed lemon.Add eggs and cream together again.Mix the cornflour, flour and baking powderand fold into the mixture with the milk.Drain sour cherries and fold into the mix-ture with the chocolate chips.Put the mixture into the paper cases, putcases onto a baking tray and put in the ap-pliance.– Time in the appliance: 40 minutes– Shelf position: 2BiscuitIngredients:• 4 eggs• 2 tablespoons hot water• 50 g sugar• 1 packet vanilla sugar (approximately 8g)• 1 pinch salt• 100 g sugar• 100 g flour• 100 g cornflour• 2 level teaspoons baking powderOther:• 28 cm round springform baking tin,black, bottom lined with baking parch-mentMethod:Separate the eggs. Cream egg yolks withhot water, 50 g sugar, vanilla sugar andsalt. Beat egg whites with 100 g sugar untilforming peaks.ENGLISH 7