Type of baking Shelf position Temperature °C Time in min.Fruit flans (madewith yeast dough/sponge mixture) 1) 3 150 35 - 55Fruit flans madewith short pastry 3 160 - 170 40 - 801) Use deep panBiscuitsType of baking Shelf position Temperature °C Time in min.Short pastry bis-cuits 3 150 - 160 10 - 20Short bread / Pas-try Stripes 3 140 20 - 35Biscuits made withsponge mixture 3 150 - 160 15 - 20Pastries made withegg white, merin-gues3 80 - 100 120 - 150Macaroons 3 100 - 120 30 - 50Biscuits made withyeast dough 3 150 - 160 20 - 40Puff pastries 3 170 - 180 1) 20 - 30Rolls 3 160 1) 10 - 35Small cakes(20per tray) 3 150 1) 20 - 351) Pre-heat the ovenBakes and gratins tableDish Shelf position Temperature °C Time in min.Baguettes toppedwith meltedcheese1 160 - 170 1) 15 - 30Stuffed vegetables 1 160 - 170 30- 601) Pre-heat the oven14 www.electrolux.com