14Cold cucum be r soupIngre die nts Instructions750 g cucum be r500 g naturaljogh ourt1 clove of garlic1 pinch sugar,salt, pe ppe r1 bunch ch ive s1 bunch dillW ash and pe e lth e cucum be r, h alve le ngth w ise and core it.Ch op th e fle sh into pie ce s and put in th e ble nde r w ith th egarlic. M ix at ble nde r Spe e d 2. Add th e jogh ourt and m ixw e ll.Se ason w ith sugar, salt, and pe ppe r to taste .Garnish w ith th e dilland ch ive s.H um us (H om m os)250 g cook e d ch ick pe as(canne d ch ick pe ascan be use d – rinsew e ll)3 table spoons olive oil30 m l le m on juice4 clove s garlic30 m l w ate rBle nd allingre die nts on se tting 2 for 40 se conds or untilsm ooth .Cak e s and pastrie s500 m l m ilk3 e ggs1 pinch salt250 g flourAdd th e ingre die nts to th e ble nde r in th e above orde r.M ix to a paste at ble nde r Spe e d 2.M e anw h ile , scrape off any flour stick ing to th e side s of th ecup.Le ave th e paste to rise for around 15 m inute s be fore using.M e lt’n’M ix Cak e150 g S.R. flour140 g caste r sugar125 g butte r or m argarine ,m e lte d2 e ggs1 te aspoon vanilla60 m l m ilkPre - h e at ove n to 180 °C. Gre ase a 20 cm round cak e tin.Place allingre die nts into ble nde r jug. Ble nd on se tting 2 for50 se conds, or untilsm ooth .Spre ad m ixture into pre pare d tin and bak e for approxim ate ly30- 35 m inute s, untilgolde n. Cooland ice as de sire d.Pancak e m ixwww.markabolt.huAll manuals and user guides at all-guides.com