12Safe ty Syste mTh e safe ty syste m pre ve nts th e ble nde r frombe ing ope rate d if th e tank is not corre ctlyse ate d.You sh ould ne ve rth e le ss stillk e e p ch ildre naw ay from th e appiance .Ice crush ingTh e ble nde r can be use d for crush ing ice .Alw ays add a little w ate r to th e tank be foreusing th e ble nde r to crush ice .Pour th e w ate r into th e tank .Sw itch th e ble nde r on. Any Spe e d se tting m aybe use d. H ow e ve r, Spe e d 3 is ide ally suite d toice crush ing.You can add m ore ice th rough th e fille r h olein th e lid w h ile th e ble nde r is running.Care and Cle aningBe fore cle aning th e ble nde r, tak e th e plug outof th e sock e t.M ak e sure th at no liq uids ge t inside th e m otorcasing!Cle an th e casing w ith a dam p cloth . Ne ve rim m e rse in w ate r or cle an unde r runningw ate r.Th e tank and blade asse m bly can be cle ane dq uick ly and safe ly using th e Pulse Button.Pour w arm w ate r into th e tank , w ith a fe wdrops of w ash ing- up liq uid.M ix th e w ate r and w ah ing- up liq uid, bypush ing th e Pulse Button brie fly.Finally, rinse th e tank unde r running w ate r.If ne ce ssary, th e blade asse m bly can also becle ane d se parate ly.Be care fulw h e n rinsing th e blade asse m bly(Th e blade s are sh arp!). Use only w ate r andw ash ing- up liq uid. Ne ve r put parts of th eappliance in a dish w ash e r W h e n re placing th eblade asse m bly, turn it clock w ise . Se eparagraph "Asse m bling th e Ble nde r".D isposalPack aging m ate rialTh e pack aging m ate rials are e nvironm e ntallyfrie ndly and can be re cycle d. Th e plasticcom pone nts are ide ntifie d by m ark ings, e .g.> PE<, > PS<, e tc. Ple ase dispose of th epak k aging m ate rials in th e appropriatecontaine r at th e com m unity w aste disposalfacilitie s.O ld applianceTh e sym bol on th e product or onits pack aging indicate s th at th is product m aynot be tre ate d as h ouse h old w aste . Inste ad itsh allbe h ande d ove r to th e applicablecolle ction point for th e re cycling of e le ctricaland e le ctronic e q uipm e nt. By e nsuring th isproduct is dispose d of corre ctly, you w illh e lppre ve nt pote ntialne gative conse q ue nce s forth e e nvironm e nt and h um an h e alth , w h ichcould oth e rw ise be cause d by inappropriatew aste h andling of th is product. For m orede taile d inform ation about re cycling of th isproduct, ple ase contact your localcity office ,your h ouse h old w aste disposalse rvice or th esh op w h e re you purch ase d th e product.Custom e r se rviceTh e h igh e st q uality standards apply for ourappliance s. If ne ve rth e le ss a disturbancesh ould arise , for w h ich you can find nosolution in th e ope rating instructions, ple asecontact your re taile r or th e Ele ctroluxcustom e r se rvice .www.markabolt.huAll manuals and user guides at all-guides.com