Software User Manual D-Link Unified Access System12/10/09Document 34CSFP6XXUWS-SWUM100-D7 Understanding the User Interfaces Page 51The D-Link DWS-4000 Series switch navigation tree also contains a LAN tab for wired features and a WLAN tab for Wirelessfeatures, as the following figure shows.Figure 5: LAN and WLAN TabsConfiguration and Monitoring OptionsThe panel directly under the graphic and to the right of the navigation menu displays the configuration information or statusfor the page you select. On pages that contain configuration options, you can input information into fields or select optionsfrom drop-down menus.Each page contains access to the HTML-based help that explains the fields and configuration options for the page. Manypages also contain command buttons.The following command buttons are used throughout the pages in the Web interface:Help Page AccessEvery page contains a link to the online help, which contains information to assist in configuring and managing the switch.The online help pages are context sensitive. For example, if the IP Addressing page is open, the help topic for that pagedisplays if you click Help. Figure 6 shows the link to click to access online help on each page.Table 2: Common Command ButtonsButtonFunctionSubmit Clicking the Submit button sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changestake effect immediately, but changes are not retained across a power cycle unless you save themto the system configuration file.Refresh Clicking the Refresh button refreshes the page with the latest information from the router.Save Clicking the Save button saves the current configuration to the system configuration file. When youclick Save, changes that you have submitted are saved even when you reboot the system. To savethe configuration to non-volatile memory, use the Save Changes option from the AdministrationTools menu.Logout Clicking the Logout button ends the session.Caution! Submitting changes makes them effective during the current boot session only. You must save anychanges if you want them to be retained across a power cycle (reboot).LAN Tab WLAN Tab