Software User Manual D-Link Unified Access System12/10/09Document 34CSFP6XXUWS-SWUM100-D7 Captive Portal Configuration Page 373I NTERFACE A SSOCIATIONFrom the Interface Association page, you can associate a configured captive portal with a specific physical interface orwireless network (SSID). The CP feature only runs on the wired or wireless interfaces that you specify. A CP can havemultiple interfaces associated with it, but an interface can be associated to only one CP at a time.To associate interfaces with CPs, click Security > Captive Portal > Interface Association.WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down14122, 8 Maximum client receive rate (b/s). Limits the bandwidth atwhich the client can receivedata from the network. If theattribute is 0 or not present,then use the value configuredfor the captive portal.Integer Optional –D-Link-Max-Input-Octets171, 124 Maximum number of octets theuser is allowed to transmit.After this limit has beenreached, the user will bedisconnected. If the attribute is0 or not present, then use thevalue configured for the captiveportal.Integer Optional –D-Link-Max-Output-Octets171, 125 Maximum number of octets theuser is allowed to receive. Afterthis limit has been reached, theuser will be disconnected. If theattribute is 0 or not present,then use the value configuredfor the captive portal.Integer Optional –D-Link-Max-Total-Octets171, 126 Maximum number of octets theuser is allowed to transfer (sumof octets transmitted andreceived). After this limit hasbeen reached, the user will bedisconnected. If the attribute is0 or not present, then use thevalue configured for the captiveportal.Integer Optional –When associating a physical (wired) interface with a captive portal configuration, note the followingrestrictions:• Captive portal and STP should not be enabled on the same physical interface.• Captive portal and 802.1X cannot be enabled on the same physical interface.• Port security and captive portal cannot be enabled on the same physical interface.• If a physical interface is made a LAG member, the captive portal becomes disabled on the interface.Table 230: Captive Portal User RADIUS AttributesAttributeNumber DescriptionRange Usage Default