NOTE: Remove the trimmer headand plastic shield before attaching themetal shield and installing one of theweed blades. To remove the trimmerhead, push in locking lever and hold.Rotate trimmer head until the lockinglever falls into one of the grooves inthe dust cup. Continue to hold in lock-ing lever. This will keep the shaft fromturning while loosening the hex nut(the hex nut is located in the center ofthe cutting head). It may be neces-sary to use a deep socket to loosenthe hex nut. Remove the hex nut byturning clockwise. Remove alignmentwasher and trimmer head. Releaselocking lever. To remove the plasticshield, loosen and remove wing nut.Pivot shield to release bracket fromslot. See INSTALLATION OF THE CUT-TING HEAD and ATTACHING THE PLAS-TIC SHIELD for illustrations. Be sure tostore all parts and instructions for fu-ture use. Never use the trimmer headwith the metal blade installed.ATTACHING THE METAL SHIELD_/LWARNING" The metal shieldmust be properly installed on the toolanytime the tool is used with a blade.The forward tip of the metal shieldhelps to reduce the occurrence ofblade thrust which can cause seriousinjury such as amputation to the oper-ator or bystanders. Failure to installthe shield in the position shown canresult in serious injury to the operator.The length of the shield must bealigned with the length of the tube.1. Place the metal shield under thegearbox, and ali n the screw holes.Shield _,_ _ Gearbox2. Insert and thread the 4 mountingscrews through the holes of thegearbox and the metal shield.Tighten evenly and securely withthe hex wrench provided.INSTALLATION OF THE METALBLADE_/L WARNING: Wear protectivegloves when handling or performingmaintenance on the blade to avoid inju-ry. The blade is sharp and can cut youeven when it is not moving._ILWARNING: Do not use anyblades, or fastening hardware otherthan the washers and nuts shown in thefollowing illustrations. These parts mustbe provided by Sears, and installed asshown below. Failure to use properparts can cause the blade to fly off andseriously hurt you or others.NOTE: The dust cup and retainingwasher are located on the gearboxshaft and not in the parts bag. All otherfasteners mentioned in the following as-sembly steps are in the parts bag.1. Remove the retaining washer fromthe threaded shaft of the gearbox.Leave the dust cup on the shaft.2. Install the blade and the retainingwasher over the threaded shaft.3. Make sure the raised part of theretaining washer is facing thegearbox and the raised area fitsinto the hole in the center of theblade.4. Slide the blade and retaining wash-er onto the shaft of the gearbox.NOTE: When installing 8-pointweed blade, ensure side of bladewith decal is facing gearbox andpoints of blade will rotate counter-clockwise (see illustration).8-POINT BLADEDECAL SIDE OFBLADE MUSTFACE GEARBOX5. Place the cupped washer onto theshaft. Make sure the cupped sideof the washer is toward the blade.6. Install the blade nut by threadingonto the shaft counterclockwise.