Donotruntheengineatahigherspeedthannecessary.Thecuttinglinewillcutefficientlywhentheengineisrunatlessthanfullthrottle.Atlowerspeeds,thereislessenginenoiseandvibration.Thecuttinglinewilllastlongerandwillbelesslikelyto%reid" onto the spool.Always release the throttle trigger andallow the engine to return to idlespeed when not cutting.To stop engine:• Release the throttle trigger.• Push and release the engine ON/STOP switch.,_WARNING: Use minimumspeed and do not crowd the line whencutting around hard objects (rock,gravel, fence posts, etc.), which candamage the trimmer head, becomeentangled in the line, or be throwncausing a serious hazard.• The tip of the line does the cutting.You will achieve the best perform-ance and minimum line wear by notcrowding the line into the cuttingarea. The right and wrong ways areshown below.Tip of line does theRightLine crowded intowe!Wrong• The line will easily remove grassand weeds from around walls,fences, trees and flower beds, but italso can cut the tender bark of treesor shrubs and scar fences.• For trimming or scalping, use lessthan full throttle to increase line lifeand decrease head wear, especially:• During light duty cutting.• Near objects around which the linecan wrap such as small posts,trees or fence wire.• For mowing or sweeping, use fullthrottle for a good clean job.TRIMMING - Hold the bottom of thetrimmer head about 3 in. (8 cm) abovethe ground and at an angle. Allow onlythe tip of the line to make contact. Donot force trimmer line into work area.Trimming3 in. (8 ore)Above GroundSCALPING - The scalping techniqueremoves unwanted vegetation down tothe ground. Hold the bottom of the trim-mer head about 3 in. (8 cm) above theground and at an angle. Allow the tip ofthe line to strike the ground aroundtrees, posts, monuments, etc. This tech-nique increases line wear.ScalpingMOWING - Your trimmer is ideal formowing in places conventional lawnmowers cannot reach. In the mowingposition, keep the line parallel to theground. Avoid pressing the head intothe ground as this can scalp theground and damage the tool.MowingSWEEPING - The fanning action of therotating line can be used to blow awayloose debris from an area. Keep the lineparallel to and above the area surfaceand swing the tool from side to side.11