MAINTENANCE BEFOREEVERYEACH 8SCHEDULE USE HOURSCheck Brake Operation _i/ v"Check Tire PressureT Check Operator Presence & ROS Systems i,fA Check for Loose FastenersC Check/Replace Mower Blades[ Lubrication Chart0 Check Battery LevelR Clean Battery and TerminalsClean Debris Off Steering PlateCheck Transaxle CoolingCheck Mower LevelnessCheck V-BeltsCheck Enqine Oil Level If ifChanqe Enqine Oil !models with oil filter)Change Engine Oil (models without oil filter)NE Clean Air FilterG Clean Air ScreenJ Inspect Muffler/Spark ArresterN Replace Oil Filter (If equipped)E Clean Eng,ine Cooling FinsReplace Spark PlugReplace Air Filter Paper Cartridge-- RR_olace Fuel Filter1 Oh_ge mo_e ofte_ whell operati_g ul/de_ a heaw ]o_td o_ in high ambie_t temperatures2 Sefvic_ mole ofte{_ whe{_ operati{_g i{_ dir ty o[ dusty oonditi_,sEVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY BEFORE25 5O 100 SEASON STORAGEHOURS HOURS HOURSi/v'v't!v'v',.2_2J11,_,2v'23 Replaceb_adesmoreoftenwher_mowinginsandysoil 5 SeeClear_inginMail_ter_anc_Section4 Not [equired if equip#ed with mailltenar_ce f tee batteryGENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSThe warranty on this tractor does not coveritems that have been subjected to operatorabuse or negligence. To receive full valuefrom the warranty, operator must maintaintractor as instructed in this manual.Some adjustments will need to be madeperiodically to properly maintain your tractor.At least once a season, check to see ifyou should make any of the adjustmentsdescribed in the Service and Adjustmentssection of this manual.• At least once a year you should replacethe spark plug, clean or replace air filter,and check blades and belts for wear. Anew spark plug and clean air filter assureproper air-fuel mixture and help your en-gine run better and last longer.BEFORE EACH USE1. Check engine oil level.2. Check brake operation.3. Check tire pressure.4. Check operator presence andROS systems for proper operation.5. Check for loose fasteners.LUBRICATION CHART_Steering Pivot BoltsZerk ZerkWheelBearingZerk /._Steering _Sector I IGear I ITeeth ___FrontWheelBearingZerkEngine(_Generat Purpose Grease@Refer to Maintenance"ENGINE" Section.IMPORTANT: Do not oil or grease the pivotpoints which have special nylon bearings.Viscous lubricants will attract dust and dirtthat will shorten the life of the self-lubricatingbearings. If you feet they must be lubricated,use only a dry, powdered graphite typelubricant sparingly.18