TO STOP MOWER BLADESDisengage attachment clutch control._CAUTION: Do not operate the mowerwithout either the entire grass catcher, onmowers so equipped, or the deflector shieldin place.REVERSE OPERATION SYSTEM (ROS)Your tractor is equipped with a ReverseOperation System (ROS). Any attempt bythe operator to travel in the reverse directionwith the attachment clutch engaged will shutoff the engine unless ignition key is placedin the ROS "ON" position._IbWARNING: Backing up with the at-tachment clutch engaged while mowing isstrongly discouraged. Turning the ROS "ON",to allow reverse operation with the attach-ment clutch engaged, should only be donewhen the operator decides it is necessary toreposition the machine with the attachmentengaged. Do not mow in reverse unlessabsolutely necessary.USING THE REVERSE OPERATIONSYSTEM -Only use if you are certain no children orother bystanders will enter the mowing area.1. Depress brake pedal all the way down.2. With engine running, turn ignition keycounterclockwise to ROS "ON" position.3. Look down and behind before and whilebacking.4. Slowly depress reverse drive pedal tostart movement.5. When use of the ROS is no longerneeded, turn the ignition key clockwiseto engine "ON" position.TO OPERATE ON HILLS,_WARNING: Do not drive up or downhills with slopes greater than 15 ° and do notdrive across any slope. Use the slope guideprovided at the back of this manual.• Choose the slowest speed before start-ing up or down hills.• Avoid stopping orchanging speed on hills.• If stopping is absolutely necessary, pushbrake pedal quickly to brake position andengage parking brake.• To restart movement, slowly release park-ing brake and brake pedal.• Slowly depress appropriate drive pedal toslowest setting.• Make all turns slowly.TO TRANSPORTWhen pushing or towing your tractor, ensuretransmission is disengaged by placing free-wheel control in freewheeling position. Freewheel control is located at the rear drawbarof tractor.1. Raise attachment lift to highest positionwith attachment lift control.2. Pull freewheel control out until the freewheel control rod locks in extended posi-tion.3. Do not push or tow tractor at more thantwo (2) mph (3,2 km/h).4. To reengage transmission, reverse aboveprocedure.NOTE: Freewheel control will automaticallydisengage when the brake/clutch pedal isdepressed.Transmission EngagedTransmission DisengagedNOTE: To protect hood from damage whentransporting you r tractor on a truck or a trailer,ensure hood is closed and secured to tractor.Use an appropriate means of tying hood totractor (rope, cord, etc.).ROS "ON" Position02825Engine "ON" Position(Normal Operating)13