TO USE CRUISE CONTROLThe cruise control feature can be used forforward travel only.SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICSThe cruise control should only be usedwhile mowing or transporting on relativelysmooth, straight surfaces. Other conditionssuch as trimming at slow speeds may causethe cruise control to disengage. Do not usethe cruise control on slopes, rough tertianor while trimmimg or turning.• With forward drive pedal (K) depressed todesired speed, pull cruise control lever (d)up and hold while lifting your foot off thepedal, then release the lever.To disengage the cruise control, depress thebrake pedal or tap on forward drive pedal.TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTING HEIGHTThe position of the attachment lift lever (A)determines the cutting height.TO ADJUST GAUGE WHEELSGauge wheels are properly adjusted whenthey are slightly offthe ground when moweris at the desired cutting height in operatingposition. Gauge wheels then keep the deckin proper position to help prevent scalpingin most terrain conditions.NOTE: Adjust gauge wheels with tractor ona flat level surface.1. Adjust mower to desired cutting height(See "TO ADJUST MOWER CUTTINGHEIGHT" in this section of manual).2. With mower in desired height of cut posi-tion, gauge wheels should be assembledso they are slightly offthe ground. Installgauge wheel in appropriate hole. Tightensecurely.3. Repeat for all, installing gauge wheel insame adjustment hole.©9/16"• Put attachment lift lever in desired cuttingheight slot.The cutting height range is approximately 1to 4" (25,4 to 101,6 mm). The heights aremeasured from the ground to the blade tipwith the engine not running. These heightsare approximate and may vary dependingupon soil conditions, height of grass andtypes of grass being mowed.• The average lawn should be cutto approxi-mately 2-1/2" (63,5 mm) during the coolseason and to over 3" (76,2 mm) duringhot months. For healthier and better look-ing lawns, mow often and after moderategrowth.• For best cutting performance, grass over6" (152,4 mm) in height should be mowedtwice. Make the first cut relatively high;thesecond to desired height.TO OPERATE MOWERYour tractor is equipped with an operatorpresence sensing switch. Any attemptby the operator to leave the seat with theengine running and the attachment clutchengaged will shut off the engine. You mustremain fully and centrally positioned in theseat to prevent the engine from hesitating orcutting off when operating your equipmenton rough, rolling terrain or hills.1. Select desired height of cut with attach-ment lift lever.2. Start mower blades by engaging attach-ment clutch control.12