TO STOP ENGINE• Move throttle control lever to STOP position. Seefigure 6.• Disconnect spark plug wire and move away fromspark plug to prevent accidental starting whileequipment is unattended. See figure 6.HOW TO USE YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDERDo not attempt to shred or chip any material otherthan vegetation found in a normal yard (i.e., branches,leaves, twigs, etc.).& WARNING: THE CHIPPER-SHREDDERDISCHARGES MATERIALS WITH CON-SIDERABLE VELOCITY. KEEP AWAYFROM THE AREA AROUND THE CHUTEDEFLECTOR. ALWAYS STOP THEENGINE AND DISCONNECT THE SPARKPLUG WIRE WHEN REMOVING ORATTACHING THE BAG WHEN CHANGINGCONTAINERS OR WHEN REMOVING THESHREDDED MATERIAL. WEAR SAFETYGLASSES AND GLOVES WHENEVERUSING YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER.The chipper-shredder is designed for three differentmethods of operation.• Leaves and small branches up to 1/2" diameter(recommended) or 1" diameter (maximum) can befed into the hopper assembly when it is in theraised position. See figure 7. If it becomes neces-sary to push material into the chipper-shredder,use a small diameter stick--NOT YOUR HANDS.The stick should be small enough that it will beground up if gets into the impeller assembly.WARNING: DO NOT PUT MATERIALLARGER THAN 1/2" IN DIAMETER (REC-OMMENDED) or 1" DIAMETER (MAXI-MUM) INTO THE HOPPER ASSEMBLY.MATERIAL UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 3" INDIAMETER MAY BE FED INTO THECHIPPER CHUTE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TOSHRED OR CHIP ANY MATERIAL LARG-ER THAN 3" IN DIAMETER. PERSONALINJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE MACHINECOULD RESULT.\ No Larger Than1/2" DiameterOr 1" Diameter(Maximum)HopperAssemblyFIGURE 7.• Leaves and small twigs can be raked into the hop-per assembly when the hopper assembly is low-ered to the ground. See figure 8. Small branchesup to 1/2" diameter (recommended) or 1" diam-eter (maximum) can also be fed into the hopperassembly in this position. See figure 9.UFIGURE 8.No Larger Than1/2" DiameterOr 1" Diameter(Maximum)FIGURE 9.