III. SERVICE1. Use extremecarein handlinggasolineand other fuels. Theyareextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive.a. Storefuel and oil in approvedcontainers,awayfrom heatand open flame,and out of the reachof children. Checkand addfuel beforestartingtheengine. Neverremovegascap or add fuelwhilethe engineis running. Allow engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.b. Replacegasolinecap securelyand wipe off any spilledgasolinebeforestartingthe engineas it may causea fireor explosion.c. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand othersourcesof ignition.d. Neverrefuel unit indoors becauseflammablevapors willaccumulatein thearea.e. Neverstore the machine or fuel container inside wherethere is an open flame or sparksuch as a gashot waterheater,spaceheater,clothesdryeror furnace.2. Never run your machinein an enclosedarea as the exhaustfrom the enginecontainscarbonmonoxide,which is an odor-less,tastelessand deadlypoisonousgas.3. To reducefire hazard,keepengineand mufflerfree of leaves,grass,and otherdebrisbuild-up. Cleanup fuelandoil spillage.Allowunit to coolat least5 minutesbeforestoring.4, Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain theimpellerand all moving parts havestopped. Disconnectthespark plugwire and keepwire awayfrom spark plugto preventaccidentalstarting. Do not use flammablesolutionsto cleanair filter.5. Checkthe bladeandenginemountingscrewsat frequentinter-vals for propertightness. Alsovisuallyinspectbladesfor wearand!or damage(e.g., bent, cracked). Replacewith bladeswhich meetoriginalequipmentspecifications.6. Keepall nuts,bolts,andscrewstight to be surethe equipmentis in safeworkingcondition.7. Nevertamper with safetydevices. Checktheir proper opera-tion regularly.8. After striking a foreign object, immediatelystop the engine,disconnectthe spark plug wire from the sparkplug, and thor-oughlyinspectthe unitfor anydamage. Repairdamagebeforestartingandoperatingunit.9. Donot alteror tamperwith theengine'sgovernorsetting. Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operatingspeedof theengine. Over-speedingthe engineis dangerousandwill causedamage to the engine and to other moving parts of themachine.Restrict the use of this power machine to personswho read,understand and follow the warnings and instructions in thismanualand on the machine.